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Everything posted by Gazzo

  1. Okay, well that's totally lost me now. I think I'll give up on this one. Thanks for your help Merrion.
  2. Off the top of my head I can't remember the exact steps but you could load it into an XmlDataDocument and navigate to the DVDList (DocumentElement) and use the CreateElement and AppendChild methods. Good Luck
  3. Hi Rob, How about setting the autoincrement property on your CdKey DataColumn, would that do what you require?
  4. Problem solved. I removed Visual Studio .NET and then reinstalled it. Obviously, it has to be installed after Commerce Server in order for it to be aware that it is there.
  5. Yeah, thats what I need to do, have you any idea which API I can use to do this?
  6. Hi can anybody help please? How can I change the printer settings i.e. change the printing preferences to print on both sides. I want to do this so when I go into the Printers and Faxes window I can see the changes that I have made. I can successfully loop through my printers on my system and change the Duplex property to Duplex.Vertical but this change is not persisted. Any idea? Cheers, Gazzo
  7. Hi, A shot in the dark here, can anybody help please. Using Visual Studio.NET 2003, I have created an ASP.NET commerce project using the commerce project wizard. However I don't have the Commerce Server Project menu item under the Project menu. Does anybody have any idea why this is the case? Cheers, Gazzo
  8. Gazzo

    Visio 2002

    Hi all, does anybody know how to add the C# data types package to the Model Explorer window in Visio 2002. Like the samples have for the UML software diagrams? Cheers, Gazzo
  9. Hi all, this is a bit of a shot in the dark but here's my problem. I am trying to log on to a simple Mapi session. If I put this process on a separate thread it works fine if I am debugging it from the IDE but if I am running it from the exe it will not log on the first time round yet every other attempt after that works okay. If I dont put this in a new thread it works fine. It seems that the new thread is the problem but I can't understand why it would work fine running from the IDE but then not when compiled. If anyone has had any similar problems can you give me some advice please? Cheers, Gazzo
  10. Hi all, A while ago I created a simple line graph in notepad using GDI+ which was used in a web page. This wasn't to hard, but now I am interested in how I would create a 3D bar chart. After looking around for info on 3D drawing, I have kind of came to the conclusion that I will need to use d3d. Is this correct, or is there a way to do it only with GDI+. Can anybody shed some light, also, if anybody knows of any sources of info, i.e. web sites or books, could you let me know. Cheers, Gazzo
  11. no probs, You're welcome.
  12. Just checked, there is a column type of MONEY.
  13. Not to sure what you're asking on that one. I would put the COST column to be type MONEY (if you have that type I am getting mixed up here with SQL, Oracle and Access :-) Gazzo
  14. What I would do would be first - create an additional column in your table to store your new values (just incase things go a little wrong) and then you can update it with an update statement and some SQL string functions, then delete your original one and rename you new one. I can't remember exactly which function you would need, and as I don't have SQL on my machine at home I cannot have a look, but at a guess you could say something like: UPDATE tbl1 SET newColumn = REPLACE(oldColumn, '%', '') I'm not sure about the syntax of the REPLACE function, you'll have to look that one up. You could stick a WHERE clause on at the end in order to update only one record, until you're confident that it will work. Gazzo.
  15. Hi, if the columns are only holding numeric values then change them from VARCHAR to the correct column type, (int or whatever) then you could use the following statement: sql2 = "SELECT * FROM MARKUP4 WHERE COL6MK BETWEEN " & TextBox1.Text & " AND " & TextBox3.Text & " ORDER BY NUMBER" This should work ok, Gazzo
  16. Hi nolc, this may help: grid.Unselect(grid.CurrentRowIndex) grid.CurrentRowIndex =+ 1 grid.Select(grid.CurrentRowIndex) Good Luck Gazzo
  17. Hi, heres one way to do it. Dim oImage As New System.Drawing.Bitmap("G:\Windows\Zapotec.bmp") Label1.BackgroundImage = oImage The dim is suppose to be on all one line. Good Luck, Gazzo. [edit]Forgot a "(". I added it in for you.[/edit]
  18. Hi, Not sure exactly what you are doing, but if you are binding - for instance text boxes, and you are only editing one record you need to make sure that you finish the edit before trying to update the dataset otherwise the DataRowState property of the DataSet will be DataRowState.Unchanged and the update method will not be called. By calling the EndCurrentEdit() method of the BindingContext if you have made changes to the give DataSet the DataRowState property will be set to DataRowState.Modified, this will then call the update method. e.g. before you call the update method do this: BindingContext(DataSetName, "DataTableName").EndCurrentEdit Good Luck, Gazzo
  19. Hi alexk, I can't remember exactly off the top of my head, but try something like this: On the DataTable, with the columns that you don't want displayed, set the mapping type to MappingType.Hidden. i.e. DS.Tables("tablename").Columns("nnnn").MappingType = MappingType.Hidden. I've done something like this in VB.Net but not in ASP.Net. Cheers, Gazzo.
  20. Hi Could anybody give me their opinions please? I am trying to create a simple form in .Net which will display a datagrid containing records retrieved from a database. When a user clicks on a record, textbox's underneath it will be populated with the records values. The user can then Edit or Delete the record, the user can also add a new record. I want all the data access code to be in a separate dll. The question that I want to ask is: Would it be better to have a component with three separate functions i.e. add, edit and delete and each time a user makes a change a call is made to the appropriate function and update the database then refresh the datagrid or would it be better to actually make the change to the datagrids dataset and then when the form closes send the dataset to a function which has the UpdateCommand, InsertCommand and DeleteCommand already set up against the DataSet and call them in turn? How has anybody else done this? Cheers, Gazzo.
  21. Thanks Thinker, Thats the one I was looking for, I could'nt seem to find it anywhere. Much Appreciated, Gazzo.
  22. Hi, I have found the answer... Overrides Protected Sub OnClosed(ByVal e As EventArgs) 'Code goes here End Sub Cheers, Gazzo
  23. Hi can anybody help please? I am using Notepad to develop vb.net applications, due to the fact that my employer is all too keen to work towards .NET but wont get their finger out to get Visual Studio.NET :-( Anyway thats another story, my question is: How do I handle the form closed event. I understand how to handle the button click events etc, but not the form closed event. Any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers, Gazzo.
  24. Can you post your code?
  25. Hi rpeters, I had exactly the same problem with this, and I eventually got it sorted, the only problem is, I am at home now and my solution is at work. Taking a lucky dip in my memory, try setting a variable equal to the window.open method. javascript:varRpt=window.open('Report.aspx?Report=Sample'); If this doesn't work let me know as I know I've solved this before. Gazzo.
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