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  1. Oh, i didn't know it would be that easy haha. Thanks a lot. One more thing. I doubt VS.NET includes the directX right? so what do i need to get that up and running? and can you provide the link to the documentation please. (i am not lazy to search myself... i am just don't really know how to use MSDN.) thanks.
  2. Thans a lot, I have one more question ~ I am downloading the VS.NET. Is that all i need? OR do i also need to install .NET FRAMEWORK SDK??? Thanks again...
  3. I am looking for somewhere that i can download the enterprise version or trial version of Visual Studio .NET. Thanks for your help.
  4. What if i am not loading the object from a mesh file? I mean if i am trying to collision detect between two simple objects. (e.g. two cubes).
  5. Hey everybody, i would like to know how to make collision detection between objects (e.g. cubes, spheres, Cone). I am using C++ so i really need C++ notation please OR useful concepts would also be great. Thanks to all.
  6. My suggesting: If your game is a first person game, you may simply alter the user camera view vectors and the object (car) vector at the same time, so you get the effect of moving, because any other objects (e.g. the world) is not moving. That's how i did it for my program anyway.
  7. Thanks, but another question Hey, i have tried it, it WORKS, thank you so much... that's been brothering me for ages hahaha... but i have got another question... i think Checking for LOST DEVICE every time inside the messageloop is a bit of a waste of clock cycle is there anyway to overcome this?
  8. Thanks, i will take a close look at the topic lost device, may be that is what i need.
  9. I am not a C# programmer so i'm not too sure about the c# add-on stuff. But from reading your codes i think you are missing a few lines to initialise the back buffer format, height and width. presentParams.BackBufferHeight = HERE YOU PUT THE DISPLAY HEIGHT presentParams.BackBufferWidth = HERE YOU PUT THE DISPLAY WIDTH presentParams.BackBufferFormat = HERE YOU PUT THE DISPLAY FORMAT hope this will help ~ let me know.
  10. My program is rendering each frame probably onto the screen until after i minimise or overlap the window, a white blank screen appear. NOTE: I am calling my "Render" function inside the "MessageLoop" using it's idle time. (is this correct)? Thanks.
  11. Flickering is usually caused by trying to render each frame onto the front buffer, a possible solution is to use a back buffer, this is called double buffering.
  12. Thank for your help, i think i have the general idea, i will try it out later. ^_^
  13. Can anybody explain to me briefly how Collision Detect between two 3D objects works? Is it as simple as using some IF statements? or am i in a completely different planet? Thank you guys.
  14. I know what i am gonna do now, since i am not using Joystick or other input devices, i have decided to use standard API function instead of DirectInput (Just for the sake of simplicity, it works). "m_ProcessResult" is an integer which stores the return value from the keyboard state, i made a enum object of keys so i can refer to each individual keys using just one integer variable. (It might look a bit strange to VB programmer coz it is C stuff) Thanks to those people who helped ~ ^_^
  15. thanks thank you for your reply, what you said is very true and right. But i think i am expriencing another problem. I did check the keys with the IF statements. But only one key is being read at one time. E.g. If i press UP KEY first, then LEFT KEY.. the LEFT KEY is ingored... if(m_ProcessResult == UP) {m_cameraPosZ += m_speed; m_cameraLookAtZ += m_speed;} if(m_ProcessResult == LEFT) {m_cameraPosX -= m_speed; m_cameraLookAtX -= m_speed;}
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