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Everything posted by pelikan

  1. just looking at your code, I would imagine that your property needs a Set to persist the new values.
  2. see http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=823679
  3. why not look for failures? (also consider a good ESL course with emphasis on spelling)
  4. I can think of one really good reason to know IL - in 2.0 you can use the DynamicMethod class to generate functions on the fly and attach them to assemblies - rates 10 on the coolness scale!
  5. (^|&)(?<fieldname>\W+)=(?<fieldvalue>[^&]+)
  6. guess you'll have to get your hands dirty and use interop check out http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;129860
  7. could be amusing in a tragic sort of way
  8. think about the first WHERE clause - top 250 < x starts with first record so you get 1 .. 250. This suggests you should use an ORDER BY in the first select to reverse the sort order.
  9. a) get the char index of the line by sending message EM_LINEINDEX b) set the selection to that point in the control (or the whole line EM_LINELENGTH) with EM_SETSEL or Select(int index, int lenght)
  10. a million lines of code ? man! that's some complex form. and either you've been cranking out a thousand lines of code day for the last three years or you've resorted to 'other methods', best not described in polite company.
  11. you might try filtering or deleteing the offending rows locally.
  12. thought about your problem - couldn't see an easy solution, so I googled it. check out - http://www.codeproject.com/cs/miscctrl/bending_property.asp
  13. whoa! weak is bad.
  14. noticed that too - real slow down on start up. didn't turn on the fire wall (probably noticed ZoneAlarm) - the only real groans of agony seem to come from the malicious hacker corner.
  15. that's why they traffic in Loonies!!
  16. download C# Express and use generics !
  17. save yourself a few years effort (life is short) http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/cmudict
  18. need more info: - what kind of database - what is a 'Picture' - how is the 'Picture' stored in the database
  19. Take a higher level view of what the framework offers. check out help topics under .NET Remoting. An excellent book on the subject is: Advanced .NET Remoting by Ingo Rammer (Apress)
  20. why reinvent the wheel? look into .NET Remoting MarshalByRef objects passing serializable objects by value - you get a wide range of configuration options. Binary, Soap, Http, TCP even custom protocols and formatting layers.
  21. Critical thinking doesn't ask for approval nor does it spare it's target.
  22. for starters - in the 'Accept Changes' subsection (bad programming style, better to factor out into separate functions) you declare a variable: Dim SearchPart but you don't use it. You just grab whatever the CurrencyManager happens to be sitting on (why bother with a CurrencyManager if you don't uses UI databinding?). Your code as deeply flawed. Besides this - it's necessary to see the updating logic of the Adapter's Commands to know what's going on.
  23. just for record: correct link is article DataGrid: Tailor Your DataGrid Apps Using Table Style and Custom Column Style Objects
  24. sorry i can't be of more help - I've been using the GPL SharpDevelop to learn .NET, and just Monday managed to get a free copy of VB Net Standard, so don't really know enough - sounds like your templates (used to create new stuff) are missing or corrupt.
  25. you have to cast the Stream to a MemoryStream does this work: s = (MemoryStream) SF.CreateStream(GetData()); ?
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