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  1. Hi, I am familiar with the select function from c++. I wanted to know if someone knows a way to listen to a socket for example with a something like the select function (that has a timeout as well). I need to receive unknown sized data from a socket in a non-blocking way , Therefore I am not sure that using "Socket.BeginReceive" is the best solution for me, because I will want to receive each time one byte because I don�t know the data size, which results alot of callbacks. I don�t want to use "Socket.Receive" because it�s a blocking function and then in case that I will want to cancel the working thread it will be a problem. Is there a way to do something like "select" that blocks for a requested time, or until data received? Does someone have some other solution to recommend me? Thanks!
  2. Hi, Thanks for the help, but how can I make suggestion 'a' to work?? If I start a thread and then the page reloads, I can still approach to that thread and check it status?? can I do that via web (I mean save a reference to a thread from post to post)? Thanks
  3. Hi, I need an advice how to make something work: I am running this program via an aspx page. the user is giving me some data via the form and then when he press 'run' button it create an instant of class "serverMaintain" and start running it. I wanted to know how I can I give the user a "processing" status, and the "done". first I made the from inside a <div> and I made anther div for the status, then I run the "serverMaintain" as a thread and gave it in the constructor a ref to both the divs. then when the working procedure started I changed the div according to processing status and then at the end to done status. the only problem is when I tried to worked the divs by reference from the "serverMaintain" I got serialization exception. I guess there are better ways to do that. ill be happy to know about them or about a way to fix mine. is there a way that I can run a "server side" script from my thread? that will solve the problem. Thanks
  4. niros


    hmmm... maybe this will help me: some know how can I use response. from code behind, some one know how to redirect the response. out put to an object?? Thanks
  5. niros


    Hi, I've saved some images in a database. when I want to write it out using the repeater I dont know how to write it in the page. in old ASP we used to do response.binarywrite, how can I do it now? I am using the following code: Private Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound If e.Item.DataItem("contenttype") <> "" Then Dim span As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl span = e.Item.FindControl("spanAvatar") Response.ContentType = e.Item.DataItem("contenttype") span.InnerText = ????(e.Item.DataItem("fileddata")) End If End Sub and I have a <span> inside the repeater where I want the image to be displayed. some one know what should I do? thanks
  6. Hi, I want to make a combo box with the current available tnsnames in .net. how can I do that (reading the tnsnames.ora file?? or there is a better way??) thanks
  7. Hi, when I am using the asp:CheckBox control and I try to catch the CheckedChanged event it doesn't catch it. when I write something in it adding a break point and debuging it it never gets there. some one have an idea? thanks.
  8. niros

    ASP to .NET

    BTW, I still wasn't able to use the public variable 'total' in the aspx asp code. If I do want to take the code behind pre declared variable how can I use it in the asp side page? thanks.
  9. niros

    ASP to .NET

    I didn't know that, its greate new actually. do you know where can I find tutorial for that? thanks.
  10. niros

    ASP to .NET

    Ok, so actually every thing can be done with code behind. so that�s rise another questions, can you make datagrid, repeater with code behind without the <%%>? but to the original one, what I am trying to do now is to use 'total' which is the total number of pages to be displayed. now wouldn't it be more efficient to just put it in the correct place and use <%%> instead of created a server side for it?? Thanks!!
  11. niros

    ASP to .NET

    I am new with .net, and I have the following question: I created a public variable 'total' in the code page of the aspx page. I want to call this response.write this variable content with out setting a runat=server component I just want to do <%=total%> it doesn't work when I do that. how can I integrate between variables that I decalre in the aspx code page to the aspx html page? Thanks.
  12. Hi, I've encountered the same problem. what I did in the end (and it works) was to use the old fashion VB validation. I just deleted all the validation components of .net and used the way that I used with ASP: <HEAD> <script language="vbscript"> function Form1_onSubmit() Form1_OnSubmit = False if document.Form1.username.value = "" then document.getElementById("UserNameErr").innerHTML = "Please enter user name" exit function end if Form1_OnSubmit = true end function </script> </HEAD>
  13. Hi, I added the following line to my aspx file: <div id="test" runat="server">grr</div> I want to make it visibility enabled/disabled when the page load, on the server side. how can I approach it? thanks.
  14. Hi, when I am adding via the HTML code a <asp:label id="123" runat="server"></asp:label> for example or any other runat="server" components, it wont add it automatically to my code .vb page. it used to do that. now I am to manualy adding every item as: protected withevent 123 as system.web.... any one know how to make it work automatically? thanks.
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