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  1. xP in release build...it says 40fps... i think i will stay with c#... :D
  2. ok thanx all...i will check in the profiler...i will also recheck my codes... in my csharp version...there r lots of checks...but it never sucks...oh...in directx samples...i am sure all of u saw it...they use tons of checks...but still too fast... the problem should not be in number of checks per frame...it is some where else...i will check and tell u guys... have a nice time...
  3. ***...one extra boolean test was sucking 67 frames (33fps before - 100fps now)... :eek: still not fast for rendering nothing on radeon igp 450 but can any one explaing this? :confused:
  4. hi all... i started porting my in-complete game engine from c#.net to managed c++.net (mc++)...but my mc++ version is too slow...i dont know why... in c#...when i render nothing...i get ~360+ frames per second...but in managed c++...i get 33fps... :confused: can anyone help me please...thanx... :) D3DDevice.txt
  5. ok...thanx keven... :) i read some other articles/posts/discussions about octtrees...lots of things i learned today... :D yeah...i am rendering a ripped level from a game with ~167000+ vertices...in/out door... thanx again..
  6. well...i know octtree building process is too slow in that class...my goal was to check DrawSubset's performace...and how easy it is to use AttributeRange...it is not a great test btw... :D ...just a few hours work... and yeah...i need some clarification about something related to DrawIndexedPrimitive... :D ... in OctTree...do u use an array of index and/or vertex buffers or something else? if yes then wont the fill rate will be slow?...coz there will be lots of loops in a recursive call... if no then could u tell me the best way u know to get the highest fill rate?... i dont know how a Mesh class stores vertex data...this is the main goal of that octtree class...to see wethere it will be faster or not...may be the whole experiment is wrong...i dont know...it sucked alot... thanx... :) EDIT: forgot to say thanx for this tip...i will think how to use it...i never used index buffers...
  7. hi all... :) i tried to use Direct3D.AttributeRange in an octtree tutorial from http://www.gametutorials.com ... just to see what happens and if i get any extra performance...u know...things like vertex fill-rate and so... but i found that Mesh.DrawSubset isnt fast enough...also some triangles will be drawn more than once... i thought to put the source code here so if anyone found something wrong...or learn something from it or just look at it :D ... cant copy-past the code here...it is in the attached file... OctTree.txt
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