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About sgunay

  • Birthday 06/29/1981

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks for the example but i can't see how i can set a Oracle RECORD type parameter from an ASP.Net application. Am i missing something? i can ask my problem like following: can we pass an array or datatable parameter into an oracle stored procedure. what is the name of the oledbtype of RECORD defined at Oracle side.
  2. hello there, i have a problem to send a complicated parameter to a oracle stored procedure. i have a table called Workers has 62 columns.Ý want to insert a record into this table with my stored procedure. i defined my stored procedure that takes a WorkerRecord that is defined in my package. Stored procedure seems Ok but i do not know how i can fill this record in ASP.NET application. is there a method of visual studio .NET or OLEDBdata type that suits this record. is there any code snippet to send a structured parameter from ASP.NET page to a stored procedure. Because i do not want to define each record field as a separete parameter. i use Oracle as DBMS and MS Visual Studio .NET 1,0 version for development. Any idea can help me. Thanks for any appreciate. Suzan
  3. hello to everyone, i've a ASP.NET web application that contains an image Button named "imgBtn_VaKifAra". this button opens a window with window.open(..) command. Up to here everything go fine. But i want image button to give error alert when the user click it,if an opened window exists. Or i can say i want the image button to open only one window at a time. To achive this i use the window handle to check if it is null,if it is the case then open the window, otherwise give alert message. But the value of window handle always null and it opens the window everytime i clicked. i gave my code in following lines: <head> <script language="javascript"> var win = null; function clickAra(){ if (win == null) win = window.open('http://v.aspx?'); else alert("ERROR"); } </script> </head> .... <asp:imagebutton id="imgBtnVakýfAra" tabIndex="2" runat="server" ImageUrl="..\bmp/ara2.bmp" Height="19px" Width="29px" OnClick="javascript:clickAra();"> </asp:imagebutton> iam not good at javascript so every idea is usefull for me. Thanks for any advance. Suzan GUNAY
  4. Hello to everyone again, i have a web project that creates an object like dataset.Ý think following code explains more clearly what i want to do. FileName:xModule has following code snippet Module calisanlar .... public myDataSet as DataSet End Module FileName:calisanlar.aspx.vb has following code snippet Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here If Not IsPostBack Then ..... myDataSet = New DataSet() End if ...... End sub The problem is when multiple user executes my applications at same time Unfortunately they use and can change the same myDataSet object . But the project must create diffrent objects for different users. i am sure you can give me an idea. Thank for advance. i must say;i am a beginner.
  5. Sorry, for my problems but i am a ASP.NET beginner and i need help sometimes, Thanks this forum for everything. My problem is : i've a web form that contains a textbox and dropdownlist controls. it also has a label control whose visible property change with conditions. But the problem is, when the label's visible property becomes true, although it makes the textbox control disappeared, it does not cause the dropdown list disappeared,it still appears in label control. What is the difference between the textbox and Drop down list that cause this problem?? i want the label control to make dissappear the drop list like the textbox when its visible is true. i 'll be very happy with your replies. Thanks. Suzan
  6. Thanks Thanks this forum very much for everything.
  7. Hello to everyone, i have a problem that i tried to explain. if anyone help me, i will be gratefull. My problem: i have a web form that contains an imagebutton and several text boxes. i want to give focus next textbox, when user change the current textbox text like TAB button does. i wrote code for textboxes textchange event. But the problem is each time i change text for any textbox and Press Enter, image button runs as if image button takes focus,when i press ENTER. Thanks for any idea. Suzan :confused:
  8. hi, sorry if this is not correct forum, ý' m not sure about that.I'm a new member of this site. what i want is that i expect to generate a codedom tree by myself programmatýcally which includes a namespace and a class definition with its members. I used the codedom .. classes for this intention. i created a namespace and class object by using codedomnamespace and codedomtypedefinition classes. Now I want to set the class object to the types(it is a property of the codedomnamespace class) property of the namespace object. But it is a read only property and i don't know the way how i can set that class to the namespace object. if you can, please help me. thanks.
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