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Everything posted by egdotnet

  1. i have a datalist, which will contain a lot of entries, but when i select one, it scrolls to the top of the page. is there a way to automatically scroll down to the place where the edit box is so people can view it quickly?
  2. i have a datalist with text bound at runtime, but when it runs, even if i set a length, the text stays on one line and goes beyond that length. How do i get the text (without spaces) to go onto a new line once it gets to the end? thanks!
  3. egdotnet


    sometimes you can send it as an email to a special address, but that might be better when the site is for them to send text msgs to you.
  4. I have a datalist on an aspx page, which is bound to a dataview (which gets its data from an xml file through a function i created). Showing the data works fine, but when i create an edit template where the text is displayed in a text box and i try to change the text in the text box to update the xml file with the update command, the text reverts back to what it originally was. Does anybody know how to change the text? Thanks! Eric
  5. for free hosting, you can get the educational package from brinkster (http://www.brinkster.com).
  6. is there a way to make controls (eg. hyperlink) repeat within a repeater control?
  7. i have a radio buttonlist, which is populated from an xml file at runtime so sometimes, the text of an entry is repeated one or more times. in those cases, when you selected a repeated entry, it selects the first one with that text. how do i stop it from going to the first entry?
  8. how do you sort a dataview column with numbers so they're sorted numerically, 1, 2, 3... rather than 1, 11, 12, 13, 2...?
  9. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
  10. you could requests and then immediately put the request value into a session or local variable & redirect to the page w/o any request strings.
  11. i'm not sure where your code is, but after a postback, what you want it to do then should go back to the page_load sub. it's really confusing, but try that.
  12. i found this on MSDN: "When using both, explicitly declared columns will be rendered first, followed by the automatically generated columns. Automatically generated columns are not added to the Columns collection." (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebuiwebcontrolsdatagridclasscolumnstopic.asp) Mine are automatically generated so how do i make those invisible?
  13. the only thing is maybe i'm putting it in the wrong place... here's where i've been putting it: datagrid1.datasource = showdata() datagrid1.databind datagrid1.columns(1).visible = false (i get an error here)
  14. but it doesn't! ive tried it tons of times & it can see the column created @ design time (w/ the select button) but if i have it tell me the number of columns in the grid, it only sees 1. it shows the other ones but i can't make them invisible.
  15. invisible bound column anybody know how to make a column bound at runtime invisible because the above suggestion didn't work?
  16. it didn't make any difference
  17. This is a row ID (remember that the it needs to remain consistent with the row it represents even when i sort, change pages), but unless there's a special way of assigning IDs (is there?), i'm not sure why that should matter.
  18. I have a datagrid, which is bound to a datatable with 4 or 5 columns, which in turn gets its data through a function from an xml document. now i need to have an ID column for things the datagrid the does, but don't want it to be visible. i tried using: mydatagrid.columns(1).visible = false but since the columns are bound at runtime, they appear when the page runs, but if i have it count the columns, the only one it knows is the one created at design time with the "select" button in each row. so is there a way to keep a bound column there, but make it invisible to the user?
  19. is this possible with web forms?
  20. I have a page where a user is presented w/ some text entered into a textbox & i was wondering if there's a way to allow the user to highlight some text & then the app only goes forward w/ the substring that the user highlights (in this case saving it to an xml node). is there a way to tell the app to use highlighted text in VB.NET? Thanks.
  21. i'll check that -- thanks
  22. I don't know what you actually typed in in VS.NET, but in your question inetpub is spelled wrong: intepub. try fixing that if necessary.
  23. How do you insert an apostrophe as part of a text label without having it turn into a comment?
  24. but there is a timer component in web forms. what's it for?
  25. I'm trying to use a timer to redirect to a different page when the time elapses, but it's not working. Anyone have any idea why? Here's the code: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Timer1.Start() End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed Response.Redirect("http://www.google.com") End Sub The timer's properties are: autoreset = true enabled = true interval = 5000 Thanks!
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