here's is what i want to do
i have a data in a text file in a array, i want to read the out the english words compared with the french and display the french in a text box
words are arrange like this in the text file
the found = line is where the error seem to be occuring
Dim English, French, As String
Dim i, where As Integer
Dim Fword(), Eword(), As String
Dim found As Boolean
English = TxtEnglish.Text
Fword = English.Split(" "c)
For i = 0 To 30
Do While ((Not found) And (where < rm.Length))
found = (Eword(i)) = rm(where, 0)
where = where + 1
where = where - 1
Fword(i) = rm(where, 1)
TxtFrench.Text = Join(Fword, " ")
thanks guys