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Everything posted by vincentnl

  1. Thanks for your reply. As it was 7 months ago, I have worked around it, but you suspected as much. Hope others will benefit from your find.
  2. Hi there, I use nested function of the form if (InField(pt)&CheckLocation(pt)) Move(5); In debug I want to see what these two functions return, but when I press F10 It executes the code, but I can not see the return values of the functions. How can I do this. I know F11 let;s me step into the functions, but that is bothersome, I just want the return values. Second question. I have a board (represented with a matrix) with objects. How can I find the shortest route? Anybody some good sites about that? tx Vincent
  3. Thanks for your reply, But I made a mistake in using srcRect and DestRect
  4. I too don;t think the correlation between windows controls and catching key_down events has been sufficiently explained. Anybody any information?
  5. Readability, although it does not really show from the chosen examples. Compilers must be smart enough to see that these local variables are only used once !
  6. Hi, I am wondering, whether I should compact my code more in general. Will the first block run faster than the second? or will the compiler create speedequivalent code? codeblock 1 int i = 3 int j = 6 point d = new point(i,j) SomeMethod(d) Or should I sacrifice some readability and compact this to codeblock2 SomeMethod( new Point(3,6)
  7. I am spanking new in DirectDraw. I want to draw a bitmap, and I succeed, but it is supposed to be square, and now it is stretched. I think It has something to do with pixel ratio, or something, but I can not find anything explaining this on the internet. Anybody some hints?
  8. Thanx, I did not know (read) that it is in another assembly.
  9. I am using C#, DirectX 9.0, and I am trying to make a 2D puzzle game(sokoban). (newbie question) I want to display a bitmap, so I want to use TextureLoader, but It does not appear in my intellisense ? I have in my references a.o. using System; using Microsoft.DirectX; using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D; When will it show up? Do I have to create the Textureloader, of is it an abstract class? tx
  10. Perfect, Much more control
  11. I am programming a schoolproject, which is to be for the elderly. It involves a lot of spoken text (wav files). But when the user clicks something, the wavfile should stop playing , and another should play. The solution proposed on this forum : Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long works for playing wav-files, but I can not stop a wav-file that is playing. What is the best solution for this?
  12. Make your own textbox that inherits from textbox class, and on GetFocus readjust the child window, so that the textbox is on the screen. Hopes this helps.
  13. Hiya, Here is my question : I loaded the bitmap using D3DXCreateTextureFromResource(g_pd3dDevice,NULL,(LPCSTR) IDB_SPRITES,&g_pSmileysTex); After that I used a sprite to draw. HRESULT test=g_pSprite->Draw( g_pSmileysTex, &srcRect, &vScaling, &vRotationCenter, 0.0f, &vTranslation, D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f) ); I created a rectanglearea to sprite of 20 by 20 and the bitmap is 20 by 120 (kind of like frames on a row) Unfortunatly, the sprite is displayed too small ! it cuts a bit of the bottom and top ? How can the texture size change after loaded into the device? tx vincent
  14. I have the same problem, and I tried it. It doesn't work. When trying to create a new file it keeps coming back with : Additional information: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\WitteEzel\xml files\test.xml" is denied.
  15. The final step of installing .net is as follows: To configure IIS after running setup on Windows .NET Servers On the Start menu, choose All Programs. Choose Administrative Tools and then choose Internet Information Services. Right-click your machine name in left pane and choose Security. Click Next on the first screen of the IIS Security Lockdown Wizard. Verify that HTTP: is set to Automatic and click Next. In the Request Handlers list, check ASP.NET and each instance of n:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version number>\aspnet_isapi.dll. Click Next. Click Finish to complete the wizard. I can not do that, it applies to NT, but not XP. How can this be solved? tx Vincent
  16. I tried it. I put a check at anonymous access, and changed the user to LTZ/ASPNET (LTZ is my computer). I could already read the xml file, i just can;t write to it. Reading it works fine, but alas, writing gives System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\EetlijstWebService\outlook.xml" is denied. Not it I;m afraid, what am I missing. Why can the webservice, accessed by a client that comes in over the internet ,not write to a file?
  17. Having exactly the same problem, and yes, it is in NFTS. I am using windows XP and IIS
  18. I have a domain already, and it is an incentive to work on your site, so you can show everybody what you are doing. perks of your own domain are : receiving email at your domain ! Be sure that you check with the host if they support scripting, asp or whatever you may need later on
  19. I read that in another post, and it is very likely. Since I was reading XML to make a dataset, I did some more research, and found the XMLDataDocument. Perfect for what I want. No hassle, just go from xml-file to typed dataset in 2 lines of code (6 including streamer). This class gets access to the file ?!? While the other did not? Well losing its relevancy, but still puzzling. (have to say, I am new to this)
  20. I would not recommend creating another class for reading the text of a textbox. That can best be done in the class (most likely a form or derivative) that the textbox is in. reading your text, i get the feeling you are mixing up methods and classes. I think this is what you need private function Testing() as String return Textbox.text End function nothing class related. If you want to use this in other classes, make it public in stead of private.
  21. I am new to XML and had some trouble making a database based on xml. (xml file for simple records) I created an xsd containing a simple element.The problem that occurred was that I only could fill the structure once. It can only contain one root element. I can not add multiple instances. solution i found was to create a dataset. Now a xsd and vb file is generated. What xml-tags allow multiple instances ( so i can make a table, in stead of single element)
  22. vincentnl


    I presume you are testing in Internet explorer. This message is usually caused by the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" setting of Internet Explorer, which may override the display of context-specific error information provided. Common error causes include invoking administrative functions, or entering a mistyped license key. Once the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" option is disabled (Tools/Internet Options... menu, Advanced tab) you should see more detailed error information. Hope this will help
  23. Hog, please. Being an expert at something. Choose at what you are going to excell at, that is all good. But a bit of allrounder qualities would suit any advanced computer user. Get some free webspace from tripod or any free provider. Learn a bit of HTML by doing macromedia dreamweaver tutorials, etc. Then if you think of getting professional, or at least looking professional claim your own domain, host a advanced site (advertising, flash is a good option) http://www.hogpuzzlemania is available. Go and multiply thee ! Increase thy knowledge.
  24. I don;t know your situation. I am 23, exploring the world, raising bit-havoc where I can, absorbing knowledge like a spunge. If you got 26 kids, to mortgages, outstanding loan and plans to visit Japan before you are 60, I wouldn;t quit my job. Security, reliable, you know the keywords. Yet I don;t think it takes 2 months to become an VB.net expert. (allthough i came from vb6). Just explore the new features, and learn as you go. Good luck with your desicion
  25. I think I do not totally understand, for you already seem to have the answer. Design a base class inheriting from a tab and put all common code and common controls in that one. You can do this in a class, or even create an ocx. Next inherit from these classes and implement the code that is specifically for that tab. As we say in dutch : i am pointing you, where you already know to go. So I don;t think I understand. Confusion succeeded
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