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  1. I want to retrieve the selected date in a month calendar after the user has clicked it so that I can pass its valu to a textbox. I don't see any property of the montcalendar that does that please help. Tx. in advance
  2. I found the browseforfolder method but it looks like I am missing something to use it any idea?
  3. I want to have a drop-down or something like this just like in windows explorer where the user could browse to a location where his file is located and so that I could use this path to export data to this actual file how can I do that? tx in advance
  4. How do you set the property so that the text I am am writting in the cell is horizontally and vertically centered in the cell. It seems not to work in vb.net??? Here's what I did If hAlign = True Then workSheet.Application.Range(cell).HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center End If Didn't work and didn't find anything about vertical either
  5. I have a dataview with a few rows and columns and I want to export that data to an excel spreadsheet how do you do that???
  6. It is ok now i used a temp value for the search text and a value to know where I am in the search list
  7. Here what I use to search for the text in the listview, the thing is as you can see it is going to select the last value that has that text, what I want is stop at the first one and be able by pressing the button again to select the next line that has the text Private Sub CmdBgtSearchLOBJ_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdBgtSearchLOBJ.Click For Each lv In LstBgtLOBJ.Items 'Check if the description is in the list If TxtBgtLOBGJDescription.Text.CompareTo("") = 1 Then If lv.SubItems(1).Text.ToLower.IndexOf(TxtBgtLOBGJDescription.Text.ToLower) >= 0 Then lv.Selected = True LstBgtLOBJ.Items(lv.Index).Selected = True LstBgtLOBJ.EnsureVisible(lv.Index) LstBgtLOBJ.Focus() End If Exit For End If Next End Sub
  8. By the way is this kind of search case sensitive?
  9. I have a string let say : "Public Servants Airfare" and I want to check if the string servants, no case sensitive if possible, is in how do I do that?
  10. Sorry I dont know where I had my head just need to : SqlCommand.CommandText = "begin transaction Select PRI, " + Column1 + " from " + Database + " where PRI = '" + TxtEmpPRI.Text + "'; Update " + Database + " Set " + Column1 + " = NULL" + " where PRI = '" + TxtEmpPRI.Text + "'; commit transaction;"
  11. I want to change the pager phone # to the value NULL, in the database, if Value1 which is a string is equal to "". The problem is with the If Value1 = "" Then SqlCommand.CommandText = "begin transaction Select PRI, " + Column1 + " from " + Database + " where PRI = '" + TxtEmpPRI.Text + "'; Update " + Database + " Set " + Column1 + " = '" + Value1 + "' where PRI = '" + TxtEmpPRI.Text + "'; commit transaction;" Else The problem is I get this error error message there must be a way to Null this value "Error converting datatype varchar to numeric" by the way the value PagerPhone is a decimal type in the database tx. in advance
  12. Let say I got 3 row of data in my batabase PRI FirstName LastName Position 1112 John Doe FR-45 1113 Mark Doe FR-45 1114 Dave Doe FR-45 I want to command to update the position of row 2 with PRI 1113 so that the position woul be no FR-45, but FR-02 How do I do that P.S The PRI is a primary key, so unique, and I know its value
  13. I am new to connecting to an MS SQL Server database I would like to know how to query a datatable from a database to get some values in it..
  14. Is there a way to insert an excel spreadsheet inside a windows form so that the user would be able to enter information, or even fill this spreadsheet by the program itself, so that the user can print that sheet? tx. in advance
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