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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by boomster

  1. Hi, I have a program that allows a bitmap to be created and copied to the clipboard. Why is it that when i paste the bitmap into MS paint its quality is perfect, but if i paste it into a word document its kinda fuzzy? Is there a way to stop the fuzzyness? thanks for any help! Boomster
  2. Hi, how do i copy a bitmap file to the clipboard in jpeg format? Thanks, boomster
  3. hi all, here is a simple question! i have a double value of say 50.1234 how do i display this to 2 decimal places ie 50.12? i am using visual c++.net Cheers :cool:
  4. the 2003 version of visual c++ has the form designer..
  5. Hmm i tried this... its still the same :confused: do u have any other ideas?
  6. Hi , I am using visual c++.net 2003. Every time i add code or modify code in the form.h file, when i then click on the tab for the form GUI design it takes ages to load and in this time the environment freezes for a few minutes! The more code i add to the form.h file the longer the wait becomes :mad: Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? I have tried reinstalling VC.net several times and also tried it on a laptop but still get the same trouble. thanks for any help, Boomster
  7. thanks for the reply, the above code is what i used, however i have an Image object not a Bitmap how do i specify that the Image is or should be treated as a bmp or jpeg etc...
  8. Hi, how do i save an image object to the clipboard as a jpeg or any other type? cheers, Boomster :)
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