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  1. hi to all Xtremers, i need to fill a dropdown list with values from a database. Now, do i have to put the values to a datatable and then bind them to the dropdown list ou can i do it directly from the dataset like i do with a datagrid?? i have tried and is not working.....how is it done? thx to all
  2. Hi to all Xtremers, Im fecthing data from sql server table to a a dataSet, i want to put it on a datatable so i can bind it to my Datagrid the purpose of that is to display the rows of my shopping car, so i can easy update and delete data, and in the end i update all rows on my database. Is this possible to do with my dataSet or i really need to bind data to my dataTable,if so, how can i do it? Thnx
  3. Hi to all Xtremers, i have a web form with asp.net validators, and it was working just fine. It has two diferents seccions which are validated seperatly. i also have to buttons which show and hide the seccions The last time I check the forms i got a strange error which i cannot understand it. I print screen it: http://www.editorapergaminho.pt/erro.bmp Thkx to all
  4. I had the same problem but i was using visual c#. What i did was register my crystal reports and then, i searched in the their site for crystal reports.net there u have to download the modules and include them in your project. those modules r Crystal_Database_Access2003.msm, Crystal_Database_Access2003_enu.msm, Crystal_Managed2003.msm, Crystal_regwiz2003.msm. in the module Crystal_regwiz2003.msm you have to include the key you got when you registered your crystal report. to get the key, you can go to the menu help-->about this should to the the trick....you should be able to export your reports :)
  5. Well....i found a solution for my problem. I guess it is not the best way but what the heck!! it works!! what i do is when i pre-generate my url, before í store it in my database i check it for accentuated characters and change them. for example if i have an à it is changed to %E1, an é to %E9, etc. So when i get the query string, before i use it i just have to undo the changes....and voila!!
  6. I cant do that... i have to pass it through the url. The problem is that i am from Portugal and in my language there are lots of accentuated characters. For example á, à, ã etc. and these characters are skipped when i do the QUERYSTRING = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"]; i'm a little lost...i tried lots of encoding and none worked. I am thinking that since ASP.NET is server side i could be that the server was not well configurated. But i checked that and it is all PT. in the web.config i changed the settings to PT <globalization requestEncoding="any valid encoding string" responseEncoding="UTF-8" fileEncoding="UTF-8" culture="pt-PT" uiCulture="pt-PT" /> so...if anyone can help i would appreciate it
  7. I am doing lots of teste but still without sucess! does anyone out there know how to do this?
  8. well....using Joe Mamma idea i did some tests.... i came up with this query SELECT TOP 12 * FROM table WHERE field NOT IN (SELECT TOP 9 field FROM table) this will gives me from X to Y where X=12 and Y=12 ;) and it works
  9. hi to all Xtremers, Im having a problem. i have an application to update my database. I want to , when i execute the select command, select only the rows from X to Y. "SELECT TOP 2 , 4" does not work. is it a sintaxe problem or what i want to do is not possible? thx to all
  10. well.....it worked great...fantastic....it was exactly what i needed Thx to all
  11. Hi to all, i am developing a window application in c# and i want it to run another aplication that i did. what the other aplication does is receives a specific number of arguments and return a string. The basics, in main function i do a Console.Write(String). With my new application i want to get this string. So how can i execute the application and how can i get the string? thx to all
  12. Hi to all Xtremers, i have this URl ahttp://csp10.link.pt:100/carrinho/CheckEportal.aspx?Name=GUIAS%20ESPIRITUAIS%20PARA%202003%20-%20VenÊncio,%20Agendas%20-%20Arteplural%20Edicoes&id=1498&lang=1 As you can see, i in the query string parameter Name there is a accentuated character (the Ê). when i run this code String QUERYSTRING = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"]; When an accentuated character is present in the query string it is skipped so i get Venncio instead of VenÊncio. how can i resolve this? thx to all
  13. hey it worked great!!! thx alot
  14. hi to all Xtremers, i have a data table in session and i want to clear it with a single button click. what i have is in global.aspx Sub Session_Start(Sender AS Object, E AS EventArgs) Dim tableCart AS DataTable Dim columnCart AS DataColumn tableCart = new DataTable("teste") columnCart = tableCart.Columns.Add("quantity",System.Type.GetType("System.String") ) columnCart = tableCart.Columns.Add("prodID",System.Type.GetType("System.String") ) columnCart = tableCart.Columns.Add("prodName",System.Type.GetType("System.String") ) columnCart = tableCart.Columns.Add( "cost",System.Type.GetType("System.Double") ) Session("tableCart") = tableCart end sub when i want to clear the the Session("tableCart") what i do is put this code again associated with a button. is there a better way to clear this session variable? thx
  15. All files are copied to the folder. But when i try to run the aplication it gives the error i posted above... In my development computer i have win XP pro with iis 5.1 and the production Server is win 2000 with 5.0
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