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    Visual Studio .Net Government edition
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  1. Use the 'DeleteAtUninstall' = True property for each regkey in your setupproject.
  2. Here's something that will work: I use it also. http://www.dotnetmonster.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/dotnet-setup/1173/How-to-launch-app-after-installation-complete
  3. I think that you could ShowDialog the MySettings-form in the splash-screen.
  4. I just read an article from a belgium guy who had the same problem. Solution: change the productnumber to 1.x.x or higher. With a PN of 0.x.x the removepreviousversions does NOT work.
  5. Just found the correct answer: ChartSpace.XMLDATA = Chartspace.XMLDATA Simple as that!
  6. I linked a MS-Access query during designtime. Repeating by reentering the query does not work either.
  7. How to requery a MS Office Chart I have put a Com-component 'Microsoft Office Chart 10.0' on my VB.Net form. It gets its data from a Datamember (a query in an Access Database). How do I perform a requery in .Net-coding for this Chart (there is a right-click on the chart that does the renewal of the data, but I don't want to use that for my users). I don't find any helpful information on MS of the helpfiles. There is a Chart1.refresh option, but that does nothing. Anyone more information? Thanks, Paul
  8. I am not very experienced, but what I can think of is a timer that checks every x seconds for the existence of a process: Private OtherProcFound as Boolean = False Private Sub QuitMe(ByVal myObject As Object, ByVal myEventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick 'Loop through the Processes For Each Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("WinWord.exe") OtherProcFound = True Exit For Next If OtherProcFound = true Then Me.Timer1.Stop 'Then think of something to exit your program.... End If End Sub
  9. Thanks, I did this already and I am waiting for a response. Final solution: Removed an invalid Reference Path in 'Project properties', 'Common properties'. :D
  10. The problem is narrowed to a control from a external dll (Terroid Needle Gauge -> http://www.teroid.co.uk/index.html). When I remove it from my form, all labels are normal again.
  11. In designtime (VB.NET) I create a label on a form with font Ms Sans Serif 14 points (not bold). In the designer the text looks good (nice and smooth), but when I run the form in debugmode (with F5) the text is not smoothed anymore. I tried other fonts, but they have the same problem. Does anyone know how this is caused and what to do about it? http://img130.exs.cx/img130/214/InfoGoed.jpg -> Correct (@designtime) http://img65.exs.cx/img65/1032/InfoFout.jpg -> False (@runtime) OS=XP Pro SP1 with .Net Framework 1.1, font-smoothing standard (not clear type) Thanks, Paul
  12. I want to end a running process which has an icon in the systray. Process.CloseMainWindow does not work for windowless apps, so I use Process.Kill. That works: the process is killed, but the icon in the systray stays visible until I move the mouse over it. Then it disppears. Is there a way to redraw the systray in VB.Net after the kill so that the icon of the killed apps is no longer visible? Thanks in advance, Paul
  13. By accident I ran into another option: using API-calls (they are in a separate class MsiClass): Sub Check() Dim szPersist As New IntPtr(0) Dim hDatabase As IntPtr Dim szSelect As String = "SELECT Value FROM Property WHERE Property = 'ProductVersion'" Dim hView As IntPtr Dim hRecord As IntPtr Dim Result As Integer Dim szBuffer As String Dim BufLen As Integer Result = MsiClass.MsiOpenDatabase(MsiPath, szPersist, hDatabase) If Result = 0 Then Result = MsiClass.MsiDatabaseOpenView(hDatabase, szSelect, hView) 'causes the hanging network-lock Result = MsiClass.MsiViewExecute(hView, hRecord) Result = MsiClass.MsiViewFetch(hView, hRecord) szBuffer = New String(CChar(" "), 250) BufLen = szBuffer.Length Result = MsiClass.MsiRecordGetString(hRecord, 1, szBuffer, BufLen) InstallerVersion = Trim(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(szBuffer, BufLen)) & ".00000" Result = MsiClass.MsiViewClose(hView) Result = MsiClass.MsiCloseHandle(hDatabase) Result = MsiClass.MsiCloseAllHandles() End If End Sub The command 'Result = MsiClass.MsiCloseAllHandles()' closes the open handles and frees the network-lock. Moderator can close this thread.
  14. Local: XP Pro Server: Novell BTW: Fulltrust doesn't work either.... :confused:
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