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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Are these 'attributes' .Net Attributes or just classes you have termed attributes? If the former then this doesn't sound like typical attribute useage. If the latter then as Diesel mentioned earlier your naming convention could be causing some confusion here - I'm not entirely sure Reflection will work with your own custom classes in this way... If possible could you post the code (or a cut down version) of something like an IntegerAttribute and how this would be used / applied to one of your other classes.
  2. Could you post some of the code you are using as I'm not too clear on the processes involved here. I'm guessing the DLL is either a COM dll (probably) or you are accessing it via p/Invoke (probably not). If you are creating a wrapper class in a dll to call into this 3rd party dll then I can't see why you would need to pass a parameter to the assembly rather than the class - also if these are being executed synchronously then I can't see the need for threading to be involved.
  3. If you have validators on your form then they are always processed server side regardless of what the client is or does in terms of client side scripting. Page.IsValid doesn't really do anything itself it simply reports on if the page has any validators that failed their validation and if you prevent the page redirecting on a validation error then it should display the validation summary just fine.
  4. Parametrised queries don't work like that, they are not simple text substitutions. The underlying provider supports a mechanism that allows parameters to be passed separately from the actual SQL itself.
  5. If this is SQL server you could use GETDATE() to get the current date and time.
  6. Could you give a bit more detail about what you are trying to do with this? Does the testclass code have attributes applied to it? If so they are compiled into the assembly and are not changable at runtime anyway - so I'm not too sure what the .ReadOnly thing is attempting to do. If possibly could you post an example of the testclass as well as what you are expecting the above code to do.
  7. You are probably going to benefit from a parameterised query for this, if you have a search of these forums you should find several examples / topics.
  8. You can't have different types for the get and set - you are probably better off adding a method called Add (or similar) and using that to add to the ArrayList.
  9. Not really sure what you are asking here - you wouldn't call an assembly as such, you would call a method on a class within the assembly. It may help if you give a bit more detail about what you are trying to do and see if there is an alternate way.
  10. Most basic use is simply sn -k to generate a keyfile. Other possibilities are -p and -R when it comes to delay signing a dll.
  11. Perfectly fine to use arrays, the only problem you might have is allowing the array to size itself - one of the classes under System.Collections may be more suitable e.g. Arraylist as these can grow dynamically. If you are using V2 of .Net then you might be better with one of the generic collection classes.
  12. You only get the full signing pane on certain project types - not on ASP.Net ones. You should still be able to create a keyfile with the sn.exe command line utility though. Once you have generated a key you can set a path to it on the MSBuild Options property page of your project.
  13. CON, PRN, AUX etc are not just command names they are aliases for hardware devices like the console or printer. i.e. under DOS (or a DOS prompt) you can do things like copy boot.ini PRN: to have a file sent to the printer. There is no problem with a folder that duplicates a command name though hence copy etc. are fine.
  14. Try Public Function EncryptPass(ByVal s As String) As String Dim encoder As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding Dim md5Hasher As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider Return Convert.ToBase64String(md5Hasher.ComputeHash(encoder.GetBytes(s))) End Function
  15. IIRC - If I remember correctly. I did manage to get this working once with a remote SQL server rather than SQL Express installed locally and it was quite a pain to get right, from what I remember the tables etc were created automatically by a command line utility - this is probably not the case if you are designing your own provider from scratch though. I don't think you can manage the 2005 versions from a 2000 enterprise manager console - although if you have the SQL 2005 tools installed you can manage earlier versions as well as the express edition. You should be able to manage an Express edition database from within VS.Net 2005 though.
  16. Could you not just create a class to hold the e-mail information and expose properties for the things you need to access (From, To etc) and just pass this between functions?
  17. IIRC you can register a provider for a single web application via the web.config file. Can't remember exactly how (not got asp.net 2 on this pc either) but I think you need to specify a tag inside the tag nested within the tag :confused: (I could have that totally wrong mind.)
  18. You might find the FileSystemWatcher class will suit your needs, it will raise an event when a file is modified, created or deleted.
  19. could you not either use a toolbar or just create your own control with a series of buttons?
  20. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=78583 might be worth a read.
  21. Is an item selected in the LstKaraokeQue listbox? If you step through the code what does Name & ": " & LstKaraokeQue.SelectedItem look like in the watch window? Does anything other than the name get displayed ? Should you be adding the LstKaraokeQue.SelectedItem to name as that is where you are putting the result - are you sure you don't mean to use the SelectedItem from FilesList?
  22. Not sure of any restrictions on mail sizes under C# - however a lot of mail servers themselves will impose a size restrictions. however that shouldn't cause your message body to be modified, could you post an example of the HTML you are using and the code that is generating the HTML.
  23. IIRC you shouldn't have to manually invoke the validators on a post back - the framework should invoke them automatically. If you want to check if things worked or not you could then check to see if a validator is valid or not or alternatively just query Page.IsValid to detect if any errors are present and act accordingly.
  24. It definately looks like the client script isn't executing for some reason, are you getting any errors on the page? It may be worth checking that the .Net framework is correctly installed on the server and that nobody has accidently removed the aspnet_client directory. Also you shouldn't rely on just the client side scripts in case they are disabled on the browser anyway - on the server side you would need to check Page.IsValid before performing any operations that rely on user input.
  25. You will also need to import the System.Configuration and System.Data namespaces.
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