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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Amongst other things the following link shows very good use of Partial Classes when it comes to code organisation as well as extensive use of VS 2005 features for resource management etc. Well worth a look. http://addressof.com/blog/archive/2006/02/16/9876.aspx
  2. Have you looked at using a WebService for this middle tier? What you describe is pretty much a WebService.
  3. Also if you have a budget for this http://www.sourgegear.com do an excellent Source Code Control system called Vault and an accompanying bug tracking product called Dragnet.
  4. What encoding is the XML file saved with? Also does it have a valid declaration at the top including the encoding type? Hopefully it should have something like Also regardless of the format the aspx page is saved in have you specified an encoding for the response?
  5. Or alternatively use a parameterised query. String concatenation is a bad, bad thing - as well as resuling in less maintainable code (like needed to manipulate strings) it also introduces the possibilty of security exploints such as injections.
  6. You may also want to look at Sytstem.Enum.Parse(...) - allows you to go the other direction and take the string and convert it back into an enum!
  7. Really depends on how your application is structured. If all the code is compiled into the .exe then you will have a much harder time than if the logic is split into one or more DLLs as these can probably be reused. Could you give a bit more detail about the size / complexity of the application?
  8. .Net really takes 2 approaches to deployment - everything in the same folder (or sub folders) or everything in a controlled shared location (GAC). Are you trying to share these DLLs out on the network and access them remotely or are they being installed to the local machine anyway? I'm assuming they are on the server from your original post - this might also cause other problems (security policies) and installing locally would often be a better choice. If you are trying to keep deployment issues simple by not having to update client PCs then an alternative route (web services, remoting or similar) may offer a cleaner solution. At the very least you might want to consider strong naming the DLLs and assigning version numbers to them - that way either the dependencies will be managed better or you will have better information on exactly what is causing the problem.
  9. Have you looked at Web Application Projects for 2005? It gives a more 2003 feel to web development but without losing any of the new features. It is still in Beta but is planned to be part of the SP1 release for VS 2005.
  10. I think you are confusing a Solution with a Project. A Solution contains projects, so having one Solution with all the projects detailed in your example contained within it isn't defeating the point in any way. Have you looked at the example Cags provided?
  11. You can do this from the command line rather than using VS however that may be far more work than justifies the end result. Also if Project1 references Project2 you will not be able to then set up a reference from 2 to 1 as this will create a circular dependancy. It may help if you give a little more information about why you are doing it this way... Global variables can introduce problems in the development process and also lead to hard to track down bugs. Would it not be possible to pass the relevant values from Project1 to the Class or Method in Project2 as parameters or via a property rather than relying on globals?
  12. Is it always a single letter at the start of the string or could it be more complex? If it is a single letter then you could do something like idx = Me.txtAddPrep.Text.substring(1) I would however also heed Joe Mamma in regards to building SQL up through string concatenation - either use a stored proc or a parameterised query.
  13. Only had a quick glance but you do not appear to be setting the reader varibale to anything, normally you would make it equal to the result of executing a command object's .ExecuteReader method.
  14. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2004/Sept/NetRemoting.asp http://www.dotnetjohn.com/articles.aspx?articleid=92
  15. Don't think it has changed a great deal since version 1.0 too be honest.
  16. Use the OleDB classes if you are using Acess, SqlClient only works with SqlServer
  17. Everything except the references. What templates do you get in the list then?
  18. If you remove that line what error does it give then?
  19. Personally I find the Class_statistieken to be an unusual naming style to say the least and would really try to avoid it. Namespaces are only there to offer you a chance of providing a logical naming scheme to help organise your classes. I would have simply kept the opriginal class name and just removed the line using statistieken; from the source code.
  20. All the .ToString statements should be .ToString() - notice the () at the end. Also if you know the field is of a particular type it is easier / faster to cast it correctly rather than convert ot a string and then parse it. i.e. cust[cust.Length + 1] = new Class_customers((int) dr[0], dr[1].ToString, dr[2], dr[3],...
  21. Without seeing the code you are using it is quite difficult to offer any specific advice. Are you always closing down the connection when you have finished with it? How are you accessing the DB (DataReaders, DataSets etc.)?
  22. In VS 2003 if you go to File->New Project, select Visual Basic Projects on the left and look at the templates on the right pane what do you see? It normally starts with 'windows Application' if you scroll down 'Empty Project' should be there. Failing that create any kind of project and delete the files put there by default.
  23. Is statistieken a namespace in your project or a class? If it is a namespace then it should work, if a class then simply try removing the line. Also if the namespace is part of a seperate project then you need to add a reference to the library or project containing the namespace
  24. Most (perhaps all even) video cards expect textures to be in a power of 2 format, it's more of a hardware issue than anything else.
  25. FYI that exception can be disabled by setting the form's CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls property to false - in the long term and for new projects it shouldn't, but to get things working on a port...
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