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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. If you step through the code in a debugger does it appear to be showing the correct values?
  2. Try something like the following myConnection.Open(); myDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myDataReader.Read()) { Label1.Text = (string)Clientes.GetValue(0); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(Clientes.GetValue(1))) Label2.Text = (string)Clientes.GetValue(1); } hopefully that should do the trick.
  3. If you are accessing the page via a secure connection (https) then the browser will display it - if you are accessing it via a non secure connection (http) then it won't. If you require secure access you will need to configure your web server for https - this will require access to a certificate server (and if this needs to be accessed from the internet you will have to spend money with the likes of Verisign).
  4. Just to add my own 2 pence worth... When using VB I would always recommend putting Option Strict On at the top of every source file. In fact I would make this the default under Tools->Options->Projects And Solutions->VB Defaults
  5. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=49597 has a very good tutorial on implementing a plugin based system.
  6. The classes should be in the System.Configuration.Dll if you've referenced that it should work.
  7. If you are using remoting then you will probably find it easiest to use a configuration file to tell the client where the remoting servers are http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconremoteobjectschannels.asp and http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/remotingconfig.asp may be worth a look
  8. Does either version work if you simplify the parameters? i.e. instead of this.qryALL1TableAdapter.FillByClienteDataTipo(this.sascrDataSet.qryALL1, cbCliente.Text, new System.Nullable(((System.DateTime)(System.Convert.ChangeType(DataIni.Text, typeof(System.DateTime))))), new System.Nullable(((System.DateTime)(System.Convert.ChangeType(DataFin.Text, typeof(System.DateTime))))), "Boletim"); try this.qryALL1TableAdapter.FillByClienteDataTipo(this.sascrDataSet.qryALL1, cbCliente.Text, System.DateTime.Parse(DataIni.Text), System.DateTime.Parse(DataFin.Text), "Boletim");
  9. What address are you getting to client to connect to? The router's address or the server machines?
  10. Never used the Ping from the My namespace - I've always used the Ping class directly. Have you tried specifying a timeout value though? If My.Computer.Network.Ping("",30000) Then MessageBox.Show("Server pinged successfully.") Else MessageBox.Show("Ping request timed out.") End If
  11. They would need SQL server or SQL Server Express installed.
  12. That's what HTML is... A mixture of tags and content, there is no real concept of 'values' when dealing with HTML. If you want to get to the text content then you will need to parse the tags to get at the content. If the HTML has a lot of content then you are probably going to have to invest some time in learning Regular Expressions as a way to parse out the tags etc.
  13. You could simplify your code using one of the overloaded methods cmCreateUser.Parameters.Add("@Username", SqlDbType.Char, ).Value = txtUsername.Text 'repeat for other parameters
  14. Once an assembly is loaded into an AppDomain then it can't be unloaded without shutting down the Appdomain itself. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=93636 gives more detail and a possible solution.
  15. You could just use the .WaitforExit method after calling .Start() for an easier way.
  16. Not sure what you mean by as that is exactly what dynamic_sysop's code does.
  17. Try something like Dim conf as Configuration = Configuration.GetWebConfiguration("~/") Dim section as ConnectionStringsSection = conf.Sections("connectionStrings") Dim conn As New SqlConnection(section.ConnectionStrings("connCReq").ConnectionString)
  18. Don't have VS handy on this PC so I haven't tested it but have you tried Dim conn As New SqlConnection("ConnectionStrings:connCReq") if not I'll have a proper look at it later.
  19. The validation controls will generate Javascript if the browser supports it - if not then it will just use server side validation (the server side validation happens regardless of client side script support). If you wish to use a customer validator your javascript function needs to have a particular signature (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpgenref/html/cpconcustomvalidatorcontrol.asp).
  20. Panel3.Controls.Add(UserControl1); should do it.
  21. If you are using .Net 2.0 it already has a Ping class you can use. If you are using an older version then http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=69870 might be worth a look.
  22. Rather than using forms you probably want to create the re-usable UI bits as controls - this will allow you to load them on demand into another form. http://msdn.microsoft.com/practices/apptype/smartclient/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnpag2/html/cab.asp is a link you may want to investigate as it provides a framework for this kind of composite UI.
  23. Are you intending to just share the DLLs out on the application server or is there going to be some other communication mechanism in place (remoting etc.)? If they are just being shared out then I can't see much benefit in doing so and it would generally be easier to install them onto the web server itself.
  24. Have you considered web services as a way of implementing this API? They use http(s) as an underlying mechanism and data is transfered as XML. .Net gives some very nice tools for working with web services and are well worth investigating.
  25. IIRC CREATE ENDPOINT creates the webservice directly within SQL server and has nothing at all to do with IIS. It will not allow you to create an Endpoint on a remote machine either. Also it will only work on Win2k3 or WinXP SP2 or later.
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