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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Does explorer work normally or does it experience slow downs when browsing the same folders?
  2. Not sure how these are done in J# but those are events not methods.
  3. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=93438&highlight=databindings http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=86123&highlight=databindings http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=81068&highlight=databindings may be of use - alternatively you could try searching the forum as this is a topic that has cropped up before.
  4. As this is a pretty big topic (and one that can lead to disagreements) you might find the following links useful. http://www.hotdesign.com/seybold/everything.html https://www.decloak.com/Dev/CSSTables/CSS_Tables_01.aspx
  5. DataGridView is a class - you need to use the correct instance of it (DataGridView1 from the sample above).
  6. C# is case sensitive - are you typing it correctly?
  7. Both the TcpListener and TcpSocket classes have overloaded constructors that allow you to specify which IP / Port they listen on, this way you can choose just one endpoint bound to a single NIC.
  8. This could be down to the increased security in Windows 2003, have you checked it's IIS configuration to see if there are any settings that could prevent COM objects loading? Also if you are developing in .Net why are you using interop to access the COM based MSXMLx libraries instead of using the classes under System.XML?
  9. Never used it personally but if you add a reference to the SQLDMO Com object you should then be able to create jobs etc.
  10. Do you know what user account the application is running under on the IIS box? Also you needto make sure the Virtual Directory is configured as an application under IIS before it will work with .Net.
  11. If you are looking at implementing a fixed rate loop (as Cags suggested) you will probably want to use the GetAsyncKeyState function. Also DirectInput offers it's own means of getting at this information - however that is overkill for your needs.
  12. Also you can use inheritance to do the same thing class Customer { /* Details Omitted */ } class CustomerList : List { }
  13. What are you trying to do with threads under asp.net? If you simply want to run server side code in multiple threads then you can either use threads directly or alternatively look at async pages http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/06/Threading/ is most definately worth a read in that respect. If you mean something else then let us know what you are after in a bit more detail and we'll see what we can do.
  14. The sort function is sorting them correctly based on the elements being strings. If you desire a different sort order then you might want to look at creating a customised implementation of IComparer. The following snippet should give you a basic idea. Class Testing Implements IComparer Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare Dim x1 As String, y1 As String x1 = DirectCast(x, String) y1 = DirectCast(y, String) Dim i1, i2 As Integer i1 = Integer.Parse(x1.Substring(1)) i2 = Integer.Parse(y1.Substring(1)) If i1 > i2 Then Return 1 If i1 < i2 Then Return -1 Return 0 End Function End Class This can then be called from a method like Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim a() As String = {"a1", "a10", "a3"} Dim x As IComparer Array.Sort(a, New Testing) End Sub
  15. Public Sub buttons_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PBWEB.MouseDown Dim i As Integer dim b as button = DirectCast(sender, Button) 'b will be the button that was pressed, 'b.Name is the name of the button that was pressed etc. 'instead of looping you could just do b.Image = For i = 0 To UBound(buttons) 'If buttons(i).Name = (?Button's Name that was Pushed?) Then ' Change Graphic to Down Path 'End If Next End Sub
  16. http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/SendRawPacket.asp looks like a good starting point.
  17. Try .Add("UserID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = new Guid(strUserID )
  18. Also if you do obj = New Generic.List(Of Person) it is true for a TypeOf obj Is Generic.List(Of Person) check and false for a TypeOf obj Is Generic.List(Of Employee)
  19. The fileupload control is designed to upload to the webserver hosting the page. You could simply handle the event on the server side and once the file has been uploaded move it to the correct place.
  20. Is there a reason why you are removing / adding the handler within the event itself? Have you encountered problems with the event being triggered multiple times? Also where is the event handler being attached in the first place?
  21. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/devio/base/registering_for_device_notification.asp gives a sample in C on how to register for plug and play events, you might be able to port it to .Net though. http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/user32/RegisterDeviceNotification.html contains a valid DllImport for the function and will get you started.
  22. Is there a reason why you require your XML to contain what is essentially formatted data? XML is really designed to hold the raw information and not care about the presentation of that data, the UI would be responsible for the display / formatting and it would be it's responsibility to handle number of decimal places shown etc.
  23. How are you populating the list? If you are manually loading data or databinding in the page_load then this will lose the selection, make sure you only populate the list on the initial page_load and not for any post back events.
  24. There is no GetConnection method on the Database class provided by the enterprise library - you can't just go making up function names and expecting them to work. I would strongly recomend having a look at the documentation that accompanies the enterprise library as this is all contained in there.
  25. You will need to create an outlook profile for the account the service is running as, try logging onto the local machine as admin, open outlook and configure the profile etc. so you can send / receive e-mail while logged on. Log out and then get the service to use the admin account and try again. Also I would generally recommend against running services with admin permissions unless they really, really, really need it (and even then I would think twice), create a new account for the application and configure it as above and use that instead if you are going to be a bit more secure....
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