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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. I recently purchased an Acer for the first time (TravelMate 8204) and have found it to be excellent (not the cheapest though).
  2. Remoting is possibly far too much effort for something as simple as a chat client. Web services are easier but will require a central server hosting the webservice and doesn't really provide any means for the server to notify clients of updates - the clients would be required to poll the server (which is generally a bad thing). The best method (at least for the actual communication) is probably going be using sockets directly (System.Net.Sockets) as this will give more control and better performance. In terms of testing on a single PC each will have the same IP address but would be required to listen on a different port number.
  3. If you are deploying by CD you can build a setup project from within Visual Studio - this will deploy all the required files, create the virtual directory etc. If you are using some other method it is just a matter of not including the .cs / .vb, .sln, .suo, .csproj, .vbproj files.
  4. A standard listbox doesn't provide this capability - the only solution would be to ownerdraw the control yourself. You may find that using a RichTextBox control instead might be an easierway to solve the problem though.
  5. I think the terminology in the article is a bit messed up too be honest. Generally I would expect to find database related functionality in a Data Layer and business functionality in the Business Layer ;)
  6. One possible solution is to not use JavaScript when it isn't needed. If the page is just displaying these images then simply using an img tag would work (after all it did for many years before JavaScript existed). Out of interest are you sure the images are being sent everytime and not cached anywhere on the browser?
  7. In that case use either the KeyUp or KeyDown events.
  8. Are the images physical files on the servers disk or are they being dynamically generated someway? If they are just files then the normal server os should handle the caching on the server side and the browser handle caching on the client side.
  9. Yes, use the BeginXXX and EndXXX methods of the webservice object to start / finish the call.
  10. The easiest way would be to define a class that exposes the 3 fields you want returned and return a valid instance of this from the WebMethod.
  11. Generally speaking it is far more reliable to create the insert, update and delete commands yourself rather than relying on the CommandBuilder to do it for you. As well as the potential performance issues the CommandBuilder will often generate very simplistic code whereas a hand written version would be able to include error checking / validation etc.
  12. http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/05/ClickOnce/
  13. Is this all one method or have you pasted several bits of code together? Just curious because the 'Private' keyword isn't valid inside a method body.
  14. Not quite sure exactly what you are trying to display - if you mean to show something like 16 years, 4 months and 17 days then the timespan object has the properties .Years, .Months and .Days - this will prevent you needing to do the calculations yourself.
  15. If you are using C# and provide xml comments (comments that begin with a ///) then the intellisense will be generated from them - this also works in VB if you are using VS 2005. If they are adding an item you could simple throw an exception when they attempt to add an invalid item. Or are you asking something different?
  16. Personally I've found this kind of thing really annoying in the new style web applications - especially so since this information isn't hidden from you in other project types. I've nearly always resorted to just putting the dataset into a class library and referencing that from the web application rather than trying to understand what VS is doing...
  17. The easiest way is to compile the C# files into a class library and call them from the VB project (or the other way round). Under VS 2005 web applications can mix and match languages but that is the only case of the IDE supporting this. Multi-file assemblies are certainly possible however it may be more trouble than the results are worth...
  18. try Me.picPreview.Image.Dispose()
  19. You will need to dispose of the image assigned to the picturebox rather than just setting it to nothing.
  20. Windows implements a SMP based system, this means a thread can be moved between CPUs by the scheduler - If a process is running at 100% cpu usage on a single cpu box then it will run at 100%. If it is split over 2 cpus then it will average 50% per cpu and so on. This doesn't mean it is taking any longer to execute just that it is no longer tied to a single cpu.
  21. What errors are you getting? The more information you provide the better chance of getting an answer.
  22. Any chance of showing us some code or at least giving a few more details about what you have done / are trying to do.
  23. SQL provide a SCOPE_IDENTITY() function for just such a purpose.
  24. If you print the FromTime and ToTime out to the debug window are they different? It could be that it really is taking less than a millisecond...
  25. Without knowing any details about the application, what it does, disk subsystem, RAM, type of processor(s), hardware config, OS version, data storage and access techniques it is a bit difficult to say what the source of the problem is. Has this application been run on a single cpu box before? If so I'm guessing it seemed to be faster - however what metrics are you using to determine performance? Are you doing any logging / performance monitoring? Has any other details changed?
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