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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Does it give any errors when you try this? Either via a stored proc or by building the string up manually?
  2. In your web.config try adding the following to your configuration section If you already have a connectionStrings section then try adding those entries to your existing section. That should point the built in security model to the correct place.
  3. IIRC wmp.dll is installed with the Microsoft's Media Player and to ensure the correct version and all it's dependencies are installed you should just install the correct version of Media Player. I've not checked but the EULA might actually prohibit you distributing the DLL itself - a lot of the MS stuff requires you install the associated application rather than attempting to put the individual DLLs on the target machine.
  4. Try changing BasePage.OnInit(e) to MyBase.OnInit(e)
  5. Without seeing a bit more information (or some code) it is difficult to say what the problem could be.
  6. If the control raises an event you would only need to handle it in the one page that needs to check for changes - the other 3 pages wouldn't need to have an event handler for the control and no code would be run
  7. You might need to adjust the permissions on the component to allow the ASPNet account to access / create and instance of the component. You should be able to do this through the component services mmc tool - can't remember exactly where and this machine doesn't have it installed.
  8. http://www.carlosag.net/Tools/ExcelXmlWriter/Default.aspx might be worth a look as it seems to do exactly what you need.
  9. Does any of this work as a non-admin? Does it fail to get the username, processid or both? Also where are you creating the new directories?
  10. Are you looking at writing an ActiveX control or just a component that can be called from older technologies (like vb6)?
  11. The control supports a CssClass property for various parts of it's output - just check the property grid and you should see several. Just assign the relevant CssClass to these properties either at run-time or design-time and you should be ok. Alternatively http://www.asp.net/cssadapters/ may be worth a look.
  12. Out of the box it is a fairly horrible experience as the new web project way of doing things really doesn't go with the 2003 project based approach. http://webproject.scottgu.com/ is worth a look / install though as it gives 2005 a 2003 like project model that suits an upgrade far better.
  13. They can get you through the qualifications (normally) but provide absolutely no real knowledge of how to use the products or develop anything with them. Personally I wouldn't employ someone on the strength of a MCAD / MCSD alone, they would need to prove they also had valid working knowledge of the products - you wouldn't get that from a boot camp as a rule.
  14. Have you tried cmdSQL.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure before executing the stored proc?
  15. Out of interest what kind of information do your arrays store?
  16. You can't is the simple answer. The SqlDataReader requires direct access to the SQL Server and this can't be guaranteed if you are returning it from a webmethod. You are better simply returning the relevant data to the client from the method instead.
  17. If you have a byte array you could just use the Array.IndexOf() method to search the array.
  18. I tend to agree with marble_eater on this one, it sounds like you could do with a rethink of the class / inheritance structure. In your case moving the drawn / drawing logic into a single base class that all drawing objects inherit from and using something like a flag may be a simpler method than switching the runtime implementation.
  19. The parameter eventSender is declared as Object - this means it could contain anything, therefore the compiler cannot validate that the eventSender.Checked property exists and if it does what data type it supports. You will need to cast eventSender to the correct object type e.g. If DirectCast(eventSender, RadioButton).Checked Then SaveDepart = "Arch" End If
  20. What is the error message contained within the exception?
  21. Afraid not - udp doesn't guarantee delivery, there is nothing to stop you using your own mechanism to check / resend as appropriate and still use udp but it will increase the complexity / work for your game. Out of interest what kind of game / number of users are you talking about as any game that needs to support a lot of network clients is going to struggle. Is there anyway you could reduce the information being transmitted or handle multiple sockets on a single thread?
  22. If you wish to communicate with multiple clients and can live with the possibility of delivery failure then using Udp is a definite possibility. The UdpClient supports the use of Multicasting via it's .JoinMulticastGroup and .DropMulticastGroup methods. The sending application could use code similar to the following to send data. When dealing with multicasting you need to define an IP address within a specific range (this has nothing to do with the actual address assigned to the network card itself) http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_IPMulticastAddressing.htm gives a quick idea of the ranges you should choose from. IPAddress groupAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); int remotePort = 1234; int localPort = 1234; IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(groupAddress, remotePort); UdpClient server = new UdpClient(localPort); server.Send(data, data.Length, remoteEP); clients would then need to register with the same group address like so... IPAddress groupAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient(); udpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(groupAddress, 10); the first parameter defines the address of the multicast group as used by the sending app while the second is how many routers will pass the information along before it is dropped from the network.
  23. If the router supports port forwarding then you would need to configure it to forward port 80 on the external address to port 80 on the IIS box's address. Depending on who you bought the domain from they may have different procedures for how to get changes done - ultimately though you would need them to point http://www.yourdomain.name to the external address of your router. NAT doesn't need to be configured for this as it mainly is used to allow clients behind the router access to the outside world rather than clients outside to access the internal network.
  24. If you are killing all instances of the application - think about what will happen if this loop kills itself before the remaining instances are killed.....
  25. Have you tried using the classes under System.Net and it's related namespaces rather than the COM objects? Have a look at the WebClient class or possibly the HttpWebRequest and the HttpWebResponse classes as they should be able to do this.
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