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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Are you looking at creating your own replacement for windows forms or simply creating your own class(es) on top of the existing ones?
  2. Go to a Visual Studio Command Prompt and type aspnet_regiis -ga where is the account asp net applications run under (normally \ASPNET)
  3. Does the folder in question exist? Also does the application compile without errors?
  4. Google has a feature known as a site map - https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/docs/en/protocol.html gives the details, providing this information will get you what you need. If you are using .Net 2 or later's SiteMap feature then http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2005/12/02/432188.aspx has a handler that will do this for you while http://www.asp.net/downloads/futures/default.aspx?tabid=62 apparently also has the official MS support for this as part of it's 'futures' library.
  5. What data type are the dates stored as?
  6. One gotcha when using the built in web server compared to IIS is security ;) the built in server will always run with you as a logged in user, IIS will only log you in if security is configured to require a user to be logged in. Depending on what security model you are using you can fix it one of a couple of ways... If you are using Windows Integrated Authentication then you could disable anonymous access under IIS. Alternatively if you are using Forms authentication then you can require all users to be logged in through the web.config file's authorization section (basically you need to add a entry)
  7. Although I haven't seen any definite time frames regarding support for .Net 1.0 / 1.1 it is safe to assume they will eventually be depreciated; however given the fact the framework is part of 2003 server I would imagine it isn't going away anytime soon - normally when MS announce the end of a product they still support it for approx 5 years mainstream before then putting it into extended support. I would say the bottom line is there are no short term worries but eventually the tools will cease to be supported. The actual runtime itself is a different matter and you can rely on that being present (either directly or via windows Update) for the foreseeable future. .Net 2.0 is a fairly major upgrade and it may be worth taking the plunge and upgrading; also .Net 3.0 and 3.5 are really extensions to the core 2.0 platform rather than replacements so things look easier for the future...
  8. You would put the {1,3} after the item in question i.e. [0-9]{1,3} for each of the octets (also \d[0-9]{1,3} should work as it will match a numeric digit one, two or three times). Be aware though this will still match numbers larger than 255 but less than 1000 so you might need to either modify the expression to only match 0 - 255 for a range. What are you doing with the numbers when you get them? Only asking because it might be easier to us a regex to find the things that look like ip addresses and then eliminate the invalid ones via VB / C# later on.
  9. Could you post the code you are using to read the rest of the file?
  10. How would the client applications even know how to call the new method(s) unless they are recompiled against an updated version of the WSDL? If the method in question isn't consumed directly by a client but is only there for the web service itself then it probably doesn't need to be a web method and there certainly shouldn't be any need for the client to be recompiled.
  11. This could be a problem with the version installed in the gac, try copying the system.enterpriseservices.dll from "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0" to your "\assembly" folder using explorer and see if that fixes the problem.
  12. If you hit debug does the call stack show where the exception was raised?
  13. I've got to ask - why don't you want to use the built in support for resource files? The strongly typed wrapper VS generates make using resources far easier than doing all the code yourself... If you do want to do all this outside of VS then you could use resgen.exe to manage string resources and al.exe to both embed images themselves and the output from resgen into a resource only .dll - it is a lot more work though.
  14. Is the sqlexpress running on the same pc as your application? If not then be aware that SQLExpress only listens on the local pc by default and you will need to reconfigure it before network access is allowed. Just out of curiosity is there a reason you are using OleDb rather than the SqlClient?
  15. If you don't handle this exception does your application crash? In other words are you sure it is getting raised (I'm only asking because my setup here doesn't have a local firewall so I can't force this to happen and there is no way I'm installing ZoneAlarm on a working pc just to try this out ;)).
  16. Can they be caught in the UnhandledExceptionEvent?
  17. If you are using VS 2005 or higher then the project has a settings property page you can use to configure various settings that get persisted as xml to the users profile.
  18. If you override the ToString method on the class in question (assuming you are the one who wrote the class) this method will be called automatically by the listbox to obtain the string to display. The object itself can then just be added to the listbox via it's Items.Add() method and the SelectedItem property will return the underlying object.
  19. If you need to call the form's close method from a thread then you will need to use Invoke - something similar to Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim t As New Thread(testThread) t.Start() End Sub Delegate Sub test() Private Sub testThread() If InvokeRequired Then Dim d As New test(Me.Close) Invoke(d) Else Me.Close() End If End Sub should do it. If you want to handle the closing event in a non-ui thread then that is a different matter - the event will be raised on the UI thread and you would need someway to communicate with your thread.
  20. If you are only using the data adapter to access the db then just let it manage the connection for you, i.e. don't open or close it yourself. If you are using the connection directly (DataReader or executing commands directly) then just get into the habit of opening the connection as you need it and closing it as soon as you are finished (preferably with a try ... finally or a using block). Again either of these methods mean you shouldn't need to deal with the disposal of objects directly. If you are interested in how to write a dispose method then either http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.idisposable.aspx or http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/07/07/CLRInsideOut/default.aspx are worth a read.
  21. Unless your class deals with non-managed resources (or .net wrappers around them such as file streams or data base connections) then you don't need to worry about disposing of resources. If the code posted is the entire class then as it only contains two strings there isn't any need to worry about disposing of it's resources. Just as a side note though you might want to give the two properties a valid data type - as it stands the are just going to be treated as object rather than strings.
  22. Sounds like it is something installed / configured on that user profile then.
  23. Out of interest what AV program were you using? Are you sure you haven't got any virus / malware on your system that could be causing IO problems? It might be worth using something like filemon or process explorer from http://www.sysinternals.com to see if there are any problems when opening / saving files. Out of interest what OS are you using? Have you recently installed any other applications (especially one that may have a background file monitor) or patches?
  24. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=85665 has a fairly basic example of using sockets from background threads - it might be worth a quick look.
  25. When running from a background thread Me would refer to the thread's class rather than the form - you would either need to pass a reference to the form to the thread or invoke the close method similar to how you are invoking a method in your code above.
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