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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. What actually happens when you try this, do you get any errors and if so which line. Or does it appear to work and no e-mail arrives?
  2. Using your example from above the following should work Dim myAL As New ArrayList myAL.Add("Hello") myAL.Add("World") myAL.Add("!") Dim i As Integer myAL.Sort() i = myAL.BinarySearch("!")
  3. It would have added the reference to the project but you would still have to specify the full class name (including namespace) so the OleDBConnection is really System.Data.OleDB.OleDBConnection Imports System.Data.OleDb is just a shorthand way of accessing those classes.
  4. Dim sText As System.String = "Wordl" sText = sText.Replace("Wordl", "world") 'This line changed Console.WriteLine(sText)
  5. The namespaces System.Data.OleDB and System.Data.SqlClient are part of the physical file System.Data.Dll
  6. Seems to be a consistent problem though, as well as VarType not giving accurate results .GetType reports System.Object for an uninitiallised string and also 'Is TypeOf' returns false as well. Seems to be a bit of a problem if the string is Nothing, not too sure of a way round it though
  7. System.Data.dll
  8. you will also need to set the ComboBox1.DisplayMember and possibly the .ValueMember
  9. 'fraid so - was the result of trying to think of a name for a Quake2 LAN session after a few too many beers, kind of stuck because I find it amusing.
  10. Not sure if it's the best way but it worked in my epic 4 line test app ;) ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.Items(0).ToString
  11. You need to create an instance of the Form before you can display it. i.e. dim f as new frmMain() f.Show()
  12. If you are after a technical / architectural view then the ultimate reference has got to be the offical RFCs. a good place to look is ... http://www.cotse.com/CIE/RFC/index.htm ...be warned they can be very dull., but are very informative. R
  13. AssemblyInfo is just information about the Assembly (project). It doesn't contain any assembly language as that tends to be very CPU and Architecture specific. It's purpose is to define things like version numbers, strong names, security etc. You will need to touch it if you are going to provide stuff like version numbers or a strong name for your assembly
  14. me.close Inherited Forms Inherit their UI and Code from another Windows Form Inherited Controls also inherit their functionality from another control.
  15. Without seeing the code - probably. You may get a better response if you show the code in question.
  16. open it up with ILDASM and look at the Manifest, you should be able to find an entry for mscorlib - this will list the version 1:0:3300:0 is v 1.0 Framework and 1:0:5000:0 is v 1.1 Framework i think ;)
  17. open it up with ILDASM and look at the Manifest, you should be able to find an entry for mscorlib - this will list the version 1:0:3300:0 is v 1.0 frame work and 1:0:500:0 is v 1.1 Framework i think ;)
  18. have a look at http://ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/vsent7/html/vbwlkwalkthroughbuildingusingwebservices.htm some walkthroughs and samples that should get you started
  19. You may want to check the declare statements in VB.Net some of the data types have changed i.e. in VB6 Integer was 16 bits in .Net it is now 32 bits (a short is 16 bits) a long was 32 but has changed to 64 try the following code instead 'Dll declarations Private Declare Function FT_Open Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByVal intDeviceNumber As short, ByRef lngHandle As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function FT_Close Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByVal lngHandle As Integer) As Integer btw - no promises, not tried the code (not even checked it compiles never mind runs)
  20. Best thing is go and have a look at Web Services - they allow you to call code running under IIS via HTTP / HTTPS, which sounds pretty much what you're asking
  21. Syntax arguments aside you will still need to use the Response / Request objects to read and write the cookies to /from the browser. response.cookies.add(ckMember) 'Send cookie to browser ckMember = request.cookies("Member") 'Read cookie from browser ...or similar no MSDN installed at this PC;)
  22. Educate your users to not leave their machines logged on and then wander off somewhere. Encourage them to lock their workstations when they are away. After all there is nothing to stop the user leaving the computer logged on AND logged in to your application. Treat this the same way you would treat a user giving their name / password to another person i.e. a security threat.
  23. Have you tried the DateTimePicker instead - may be an easier way of doing it.
  24. Basically they are all forms of Collections. Stack implements A Last in First Out collection (LIFO) - the last thing you push on the stack is the first thing you get back. A Queuse implements a First In First Out collection (FIFO) - the first thing you push in is the first thing out. A hashtable is a Key/Value pair similar to a VB 6 collection but based around hash codes for retreival. The bestplace to look for more information is under http://ms-help://MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS/cpref/html/frlrfSystemCollections.htm
  25. It looks as though you are refering to the service as My Service somewhere rather than MyService (notice the space between the two words). If you could give a step by step guide of what you did to get that error I could see if you did something different to me.
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