If you have a look at Forms authentication it allows you to redirect to a login page, and after the user is validated sends them to their original destination.
Have you considered using a one of the collection classes instead of an array?
ArrayList behaves like an array but also has methods lik RemoveAt which sound like the kind of thing you're after.
as a general rule I would avoid storing pictures direct in SQL.
It's often better to store them elsewhere and simple store a path to the image within SQL.
It can make access slower as well as being a bit odd to work with (technical term there)
the HttpSessionState is really there to maintain session data (variables etc.) unless the DLL explicitly puts something into the session there is nothing there to remove it.
Does the DLL not have any other way to close or free up it's resources?
Are all these threads writing to the same log file at the same time? If so you could be experiencing locking problems.
You might want to look at syncronising the threads or perhaps implement a single thread to do the file IO
Not sure if you can inherit a class returned from a webservice (never tried).
You will probably nee to look at using the ISurrogateSelector interface to get round this problem
has an article on this. Hope there is an easier solution as this does look quite tricky
NameObjectCollectionBase - MSDN says these can be accessed by key or index
never used it myself though...
If you install vs.Net 2003 it won't overwrite your existing installation anyway. It will hapily run side by side. (In fact you can have VB6, vs.Net 2002 and vs.net 2003 all on the same machine quite happily)
Windows services typically have no user interaction when running and as such any applications spawned do not appear.
I *think* that if you configure your service to 'Interact With Desktop' under Programs->Administrative Tools->Services.
right click the service and go to the tab 'Log On' it might work.
Out of interest what are you trying to achieve? I personally would find it very annoying if a background service kept launching browser sessions while I was working.
very poor seems a bit harsh, it does what it sets out to do.
Display a box with a message and a standard set of buttons / icons.
For anything more complex a form and the .ShowDialog() function fits the bill
Not sure if it's the best way but if you look for the folder
you should be able to detect the presence of .Net and the version. Could easily be faked though.
You really should move away from the 'old style' VB methods of FileOpen, Print etc.
System.IO provides much more functionality with Streams, StreamReaders and StreamWriters as well as giving better code compatability with other .Net languages
When you say Dns.GetHostByAddress crashes - what exception do you get?
Also if you drop to a command prompt and type
ping -a
what results do you get?
If you look at the associated .vb file (WebForm1.aspx.vb) there should be a line near the top that reads
public Class 'what do you have here?
Inherits 'and here?