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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=13962
  2. try C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis -i (update to your installation of windows)
  3. http://www.w3schools.com/ have some quite good tutorials on everything from simple HTML through XML and ASP / ASP.net as well. Worth a look
  4. what is oDR in your code?
  5. If you change a .vb file you will need to rebuild the project and then deploy the \bin directory to the server as well. Alternatively you can allow JIT compilation of the code by adding a SRC= attribute to the page directive in the .aspx page (can't remember the exact details of hand - search MSDN it will probably say how) One of the big plus points of ASP.Net (compared to ASP) is that you do not have to shut down the application to update it.
  6. By default .Net apps running from a network have more restrictive permissions - either run it locally or look at the configuration tools to increase the permissions.
  7. When you read in the picture are you closing the stream or leaving it open?
  8. IIRC the option is /target:module (for both vbc and csc)
  9. What error did it give?
  10. Are you populating the list in your form_load event? If so you will need to check Page.IsPostBack - if it's true don't reinitalize the controls.
  11. A lot of things can affect performance in a Client / Server database. You will probably need to check how the database is Indexed for starters. Also a lot of your code may be doing things in an inefficient way (are you doing SELECT * anywhere, are you using lots of MoveNext commands on a recordset? etc) Post some examples of the slow performing code if at all possible...
  12. Not sure why it shouldn't work - just tried it here in the office ond it worked a charm. It may be worth trying the remote computers IP address instead of it's name (both ways worked here) - may be a WINS / DNS problem.
  13. will have a look tomorrow - no network here. Does the account you logon to your computer with also exist on the remote computer? If so are the passwords different? finally is the account and administrative account?
  14. To clear the list listbox1.Items.Clear Not too sure how you would get the description without a lot more effort though.
  15. I think the default for word complete is ALT+
  16. Didn't read all the link but it seemed to be doing it a very complex way (was it VB6 code?) This may be easier. Dim sc As New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController sc.MachineName = "RemoteComputerName" sc.ServiceName = "ServiceName" 'Apache2 - or whatever sc.Start() 'Will start it (permissions required)
  17. The following will autoselect a particular item Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sc As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController For Each sc In ServiceController1.GetServices ListBox1.Items.Add(sc.DisplayName) 'Edit: shows pretty name for service Next ListBox1.SelectedIndex = ListBox1.FindString("Indexing") 'Change "Indexing" to "Apache2" or whatever the service name is End Sub To filter you could use regular expressions if you need complex matching or for a simple one something like Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sc As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController For Each sc In ServiceController1.GetServices If sc.DisplayName.StartsWith("In") Then ListBox1.Items.Add(sc.DisplayName) End If Next ListBox1.SelectedIndex = ListBox1.FindString("Indexing") End Sub
  18. just add a listbox to a form and from the components tab drop a service controller onto the form, then use this code in aform_load Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sc As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController For Each sc In ServiceController1.GetServices ListBox1.Items.Add(sc.ServiceName) Next End Sub
  19. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnbda/html/updater.asp?frame=true maybe worth a read as well.
  20. DD is just a means of getting things on Screen Direct3D is the 3d stuff. (I think)
  21. under C# all property set functions get an implicit parameter just called value, this will be whatever data is assigned to the property. edit - typo
  22. Use the version I gave you instead of the public string SmallWindowPrompt(int SmallWindowNumber, string vData) method in your code.
  23. try public string SmallWindowPrompt(int SmallWindowNumber) { get { return this.SM[smallWindowNumber]; } set { SM[smallWindowNumber] = value; }
  24. .Net has restrictive permissions for non-local applications - that is probably causing the problem. You will need to look at the "microsoft .Net Framework configuration" tool (Start->Programs->administrative tools) and set the server to be part of the trusted zone. Or run the application locally.
  25. Are you running the application locally or from a network?
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