The code isn't 8 times slower - just the overheads of invoking the call. If a function took 8 seconds to run then using the articles figures a delegate would incur 30 or 40 nanoseconds extra overhead .
The overall time to execute would be the same to all intents and purposes.
The directory containing your web application needs to be configured as an application. You can do this from the IIS administration tool, right click the virtual directory for your app and bring up the properties. The create application bit is at the bottom of the dialog box.
Pointers should be specific to the OS architecture. In a 32-bit version of windows a pointer needs to be able to address 4G of ram - therefore 32 bits long.
Did you have VB6 installed before the crash? Although VS.Net ships with some of the VB6 controls you don't get the design time licence for them.
Best thing to do is just install VB6 as well.
you could use a format of "HH:MM:SS:fffff" - vary the number of 'f's between 1 and 7 to get the fraction of a second a 1 to 7 digit precision.
If you want to connect to a remote telnet server you should have a look under System.Net.Sockets.
The TCPClient class will allow you to open a connection to the telnet server and obtain a stream. You can then send / receive data quite easily.
What language would you be coding in?
Or if you open the File at the start of the function and close it at the end - just realised you were opening it outside the function (soon as the form is loaded into memory by the look of it) and closing it when the function exits. The next time the function is called the file will be closed.
Can't think of any easy way of managing that. Generally browser based apps suffer compared to windows based apps in the ease / capability of really controling the look and feel.
Maybe possible with either client side scripting or an embedded ActiveX control that could report information back to the server....
My first suggestion would be stay clear of Access. If SQL isn't required now use MSDE instead - will save you having to port code to a new platform later on.
try changing
Dim fileName As New IO.StreamWriter(File.Open("C:\store.txt", IO.FileMode.Append))
Dim fileName As New IO.StreamWriter(File.Open("C:\store.txt", IO.FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write))