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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. I can see the link for a free exam - can't see anything that says it's the only exam. After all VB.Net has changed significantly.
  2. Is the e-mail address you are sending from 'owned' by the ISP? If not most servers will accept mail from external accounts to internal accounts and vice-versa but very few (no good ISPs anyway) will deliberately allow an external account to relay to another external account
  3. Will try and look into it more over the weekend (no promises). The Texture shouldn't be affected by the vertices though. Setting the texture's v co-ordinate to -1 will prevent it mapping across the tile correctly i think (0, -1) puts it at the top but one unit to the left of the square.
  4. You need to add a reference to System.Runtime.Remoting
  5. The last two parameters to the CustomVertex.TransformTextured should range from 0 to 1 (0,0 being top left of the surface, 1,1 being bottom right) Also textures should be a power of 2 for best performance /appearance
  6. Unfortunately if the control is disabled then it always renders as grey. The only way to get round that problem is write your own Textbox control (Inherit from TextBox) and either provide your own method to handle locking the control.
  7. The imports need to go above the class declaration - I just put them at the top of the file below Option Explicit On and Option Strict On
  8. ...and the native .Net way to do it is?
  9. Don't have . Net handy now but can check later - but why don't you set the font and then disable the control? TextBox1.Enabled = False TextBox1.Font = New Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point) edit : added code snippet, works even if you disable the control first
  10. Any chance you could show us the code you are using?
  11. What error does it give? What is the code you are using to build the SQL string (the problem may be down to not adding enough single quotes around the relevant parameters)
  12. VB.Net ships with a progress bar control. Simply add that to the form. Set its maximum property to the number of lines and add 1 to it's Value property every time you read a line in. More importantly though - you really should be using the .Net file access methods. Look at System.IO or search these boards for many examples.
  13. Are you doing anything with multiple threads?
  14. button1.visible = true
  15. dim myyear as String = date.Now.Subtract(timespan.FromDays(365)).ToShortDateString
  16. As in a SQL stored procedure?
  17. Could you give a code sample because 1) what I suggested works fine for me. 2) seems unlikely there is nothing in the help files on hiding or closing a form
  18. What kind of exception is thrown? Which line causes the exception? Is Mycheck a control array? Should the first line be = test2?
  19. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75448&highlight=collection
  20. something similar to Dim pi As New ProcessStartInfo pi.FileName = "ping.exe" pi.RedirectStandardOutput = True Dim p As New Process p.StartInfo = pi p.Start() Dim s As String = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd should do it
  21. IIRC doesn't it have a download method (or similar) - can check later for you.
  22. Sockets support under .Net generally gives you more control, is more compatible with other .Net languages, fully supports .Net concepts like streams and asyncronous programming (sp?) and avoids the overheads of COM interop.
  23. You could always use a recursive function Dim ctrl As Control private sub Func1 (ctlParent as control) For Each ctrl In ctlParent If TypeOf ctrl Is GroupBox Then 'if its a groupbox Func1(ctrl) End If 'Do something to control here Next
  24. It would work if Option Strict wasn't set - however I would personally never consider writing any production code without Setting both Option Explicit and Option Strict At runtime it could definately cause an error if sender didin't have a Text property - why I recomended casting to the correct type.
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