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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/Default.aspx nice free zip, tar, gzip, bzip2 dll (in c# but compiled dll works fine)
  2. There is a lot of inter-dependencies between the DLLs, for example even though you might not use drawing it is required by windows forms (things like rectangle, point etc are declared there). Also simply copying the dlls onto a computer wouldn't perform the required updates to get the framework in place. Various config files etc need to be created under \Microsoft.Net. The registry needs to be updated to point to various core dlls within the framework (so admin access would be required anyway). The full framework is only about 23Meg and can be shipped with the app on CD as well (and it's part of the windows update). Plus as more people use the framework the more likely it will be installed.
  3. The framework will be required on the clients machine. It can be downloaded from microsofts webstire http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/downloads/howtoget.aspx
  4. http://www.go-mono.com
  5. You need to set a reference to it. In visual studio right click the project and do 'Add Reference'. Then browse to the DLL
  6. IIRC DataTable.Select returns an array of rows so you need to declare your variable as an array. Dim drTranscriptSummary() As DataRow 'Changed this line drTranscriptSummary = dtNew.Select("TranscriptsID = 681")
  7. Just adding the using ..... clause is a shorthand for how to specify classes in code i.e. if i put using System.IO at the top of a file I can do things like StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(); rather than System.IO.StreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader you still need to add a reference to the correct dll though.
  8. 1) FileOpen is the old non-.Net way of doing things and StreamReader is the correct way ;) 2) Dim sr as new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\test.txt") dim line as string line = sr.ReadLine() dim vals() as string = line.split(",") 3) Dim swr as new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\test.txt") dim line as string dim vals() as string = {"test","data","Only"} line = line.join(vals,",") sw.WriteLine(line) 4) bit more difficult but most data types have methods to support conversion i.e. integer.Parse will parse a string into an integer Long.ToString will convert to a string etc.
  9. within the serverValidate Event args.IsValid =
  10. On the toolbox amongst the other validator controls there is one called CustomValidator Add it to the page like any other validator and set the ControlToValidate Property to the control you want to validate. Double click the control and it should open the code behind in an event calle something like ServerValidate - put the validation logic in here.
  11. You could use a custom validator and in the server side validate event do the database check.
  12. Better controls yes but they are no longer ActiveX controls.
  13. You could just add a method like public Sub Clear _name="" _code="" End Sub and then call it with cmboObjHolder.Clear
  14. What exception do you get? Any chance you could post a code sample?
  15. If you are using the Cache object the objects may have expired. You may need to check if they are valid before using them.
  16. Are dsContacts and dsContacts.ContactList set to valid instances?
  17. shouldn't it be sb.Append(myReader.GetValue(0)) is myReader.GetValue(0) returning anything?
  18. The message tells you what to do, read the bit about setting a page directive. Also do you really need to turn this off?
  19. Sorry - was thinking about datasets not datatables. Not sure why the e-mail is blank. What code are you using to add the string to the e-mail as the code to build the string looks fine. If you step through in a debugger are the contents being appended to sb?
  20. Does the data need to be in any particualr format? If not you could just set the documents body to DataTable.GetXML. Otherwise you will have to loop through the results and append them to the document yourself.
  21. If the form is displaying as an icon in the System Tray just hide the form instead of the Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal and un hide when they restore it from your context menu.
  22. IIRC there is a control called a linked button on your toolbox - probably the easiest way I can think of.
  23. My mistake - I misred the question. Hopefully to make up for that Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) If m.Msg = 5 Then 'WM_SIZE If m.WParam.ToInt32 = 1 Then 'SIZE_MINIMIZED Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal End If Else MyBase.WndProc(m) End If End Sub also if you set the formBorderStyle to one of the toolwindow options it doesn't appear in the alt+tab list.
  24. ListBox1.Items.Count although I think ListBox1.Items.Add("things") should return an integer giving the new index.
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