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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Probably need to look at using threads to prevent blocking. If you look in the samples that ship with .Net there is a chat program that shows the use of sockets.
  2. Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient Dim b() As Byte = wc.DownloadData("http://www.microsoft.com") 'b() will contain the raw data wc.DownloadFile("http://www.microsoft.com", "c:\test.html") 'c:\test.html will contain data
  3. http://staff.develop.com/candera/weblog2/articleview.aspx/DirectX/Direct3D Has a very good series of articles on managed DirectX.
  4. It's waiting for an incomming connection.
  5. Same here - never really though of Flash as anything other than a web technology.
  6. Loading managed DLLs is pretty trivial, non-manged code however is still a bit messy in that respect.
  7. Also for Web apps, portability to other platfornms is looking more and more viable. check http://www.go-mono.com for the recent message regarding their Web Service implementation.
  8. C# doesn't use header files. The class is both the implementation and the definition in one.
  9. If you are writting in C# the form is just another class. The source file has a .cs extension. Not really looked at doing .Net forms in C++ though - so I can't help on that one.
  10. The one called TabControl in the the toolbox
  11. In .Net you could just set the form's Text property to acheive the same result.
  12. Not sure what you mean with 'Several classes that use same function' If this is a function common to a group of related classes then declaring it in a base class means it's available to all sub-classes (and can be over ridden if needed). If it is more generic functionality then it could be a delegate or part of an interface. Using SetWindowText as an example - this would either take a window handle as a parameter to tell it which window to put the text on, or would be a method in a class that encapsulates a window. edit: typo (faulty keyboard)
  13. What database are you using. If Oracle or SQL Server you would be much better off using Stored Procedures rather than just concatenating strings.
  14. Why are you using the old ActiveX control? .Net ships with a managed Windows form control.
  15. C# gives you things like Polymorphism, Encapsulation and inheritance. Inheritance is currently limited to single inheritance (although MI may make a future version of the framework) Polymorphism is supported through Inheritance and interfaces (which remove a lot - but not all of the reasons for Multiple Inheritance). If you are familiar with C++ then a lot of C# will be familiar (if statements, loop constructs, variable declaration etc) C# can't do everything C++ can but how many people actually need to do everything C++ can? C# on the other hand gives the developer an easier ride with system provided strings, arrays, collections etc as well as memory management (via Garbage collection)
  16. Easier than C++, no need for pointer arithmetic, Type Safe, Delegates, Interfaces, supports strings as a data type. Easier integration with other .Net code for starters. Are there any reasons why you prefer C++ or need to mix two languages.
  17. If you really want to mix C# and C++ you can. Personally I wouldn't bother and just stick with C# unless you really need both languages.
  18. You should really be using MessageBox.Show under .Net rather than MsgBox - also CStr, CDbl are VB6 functions rather than .Net code.
  19. wsdl /l:vb although from visual studio you can add a web reference and browse to the wsdl (or enter the url) and it will do it for you.
  20. They were the ones I was thinking of..... Just out of interest though Dim EventCollectionDAY(42) As VBA.Collection For i = 0 To 41 EventCollectionDAY(i) = New VBA.Collection Next i will be declaring an array of 43 collections and initalizing the first 42 of them - is that what you wanted to do there?
  21. What page where you trying to get to?
  22. Ah, basically you can't return a Stream from a web service. Could you not use a single method to open he stream and return the data i.e. _ Public Function Deserialize() As Object Dim emp As Employee = New Employee emp.Name = "Tim" emp.Address = " First Street, Country " emp.Salary = 10000.0 Dim s As FileStream = Serialize(emp) Dim fs As SoapFormatter = New SoapFormatter s.Position = 0 Return fs.Deserialize(s) End Function is there any reason the two functions where separate?
  23. If you set a reference to the VisualBasic compatability layer you should be able to declare a VBA.Collection. What code are you using that gives the error 429?
  24. Do theyhave the framework installed? If so you will need to lookat permissions. Under .Net applications running from the network have restricted access. in your admin tools there should be a framework configuration tool - or search these boards this topic has come up before.
  25. You are getting a length of 1 because it is an array of strings, not a string. Could you post a code snippet to show how you are validating the user?
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