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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. You actually see the debugger go to the line Console.WriteLine("wrong"); //This loop should never be enetred. if so look in the debug directory and delete any *.pdb files you see there and do a rebuild and try the debugger again.
  2. When I tried it in the debugger it stepped through as I would expect, after the if(a==b) it exited the if statement block and the message was never written to the screen. Are you sure you have the code exactly the same not if (a=b) for example?
  3. Looks like the snippet of code they gave was refering to a larger project. In fact i found this (http://forums.aspfree.com/archive/11/2003/08/4/18238) which seems to explain a bit more of where it came from. the following may be useful though http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/rolesbasedauthentication.asp http://www.microsoft.com/mspress/books/sampchap/6501.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dwamish7/html/vtconRole-BasedSecurity.asp
  4. Where did you find the sample? It looks as though the ValidateLogin is either a class or structure declared elsewhere in the sample.
  5. Just guessing but demanding help like that isn't going to get many favourable responses.
  6. I can never remember if it's the project or solution files (or both) that have changed - the source files .cs .vb etc are the same so you could just create a new project and add the files to it. Also if you search around these forum's I'm sure somebody has written a tool that can convert between them.
  7. you will probably find that DsRider1 = Cache.Get("Rider") 'ds to listbox is populated lstRider.DataBind() 'values appear in listbox is re-binding the listbox and losing the selected item - you may want to move the .DataBind bit into your PostBack chaeck.
  8. You can create a breakpoint and bring up it's properties - that allows you to set a condition. If you go to the data tab of the breakpoint properties dialog box then you can get the same behaviour.
  9. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78003
  10. One reason is that it would require the application to ship with several image files - if a user deleted any then the app would fail. Using an embedded resource means there is no need for all the separate files to be managed / installed / updated.
  11. The post in question wasn't made by you.
  12. Look in the help for DataRelation - adding these to a DataSet will allow you to define relationships between the DataTables
  13. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/t77603.html
  14. http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=1452&lngWId=10 never used it but the screenshot looks good (always a sucker for pretty pictures)
  15. before you call the Start method add the line ps.WindowStyle=ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden Dispose isn't really needed on ps as it doesn't have any unmanged resources so the Garbage collector will sort it out for you anyway.
  16. If you ever see me hit me for being stupid ;) was holding a conversation at the same time should be TIME not SEND.
  17. good place to start is the RFC http://www.cotse.com/CIE/RFC/959/index.htm
  18. No offence but that would be a pretty easy to crack scheme. A much better way is to not store the password in any way shape or form but store a hash of the password. When the user enters their password - hash it and compare to the stored hash. Best place to look is under System.Security.Cryptography at their implementation of SHA or similar.
  19. Dim ps As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo ps.FileName = "Net" ps.Arguments = "SEND \\ /set /yes" Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process p.StartInfo = ps p.Start() p.WaitForExit()
  20. Could you not just use the Local Security policy tool / Security Templates tool from XP to create a template and then just import that into the required Computers? The local security policy should be under your administrative tools, the security templates tool is an MMC snap-in. If you need to automate it the command line tool secedit.exe may be useful.
  21. What should it do? I ran it and it did nothing - although the call to DrawFramControl did return a value indicating it had failed
  22. 'Nicked from mutant a few posts up Public Sub New(ByVal formone As Form1) 'get the instance MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() f1 = formone 'set the passed in instance to the local variable End Sub You seem to have modified the standard Sub New but without adding the parameter as suggested by mutant a few posts back
  23. What is the revised code you are using? I can't see anything from mutant's post that would have caused a new instance of form1 to be created.
  24. Could you just shell the command Net time \\servername /set /yes
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