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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. You should be able to do a FindControl on the page based on the assigned ID - simply cast the result back to a CheckBox and you should be ablse to get it's value.
  2. If the form has any controls on it then you will also need to set the KeyPreview property to true - otherwise the control with focus gets the event not the form itself. Have you already got the application appearing in the notification area? If not you need to add a NotifyIcon to the main form - this will then appear in the notification area. To make the form appear at a given position you would need to set it's location to the new position - this could be calculated by taking the screen height and width and subtracting the form's height and width.
  3. Which provider are you using to access the database? Could you post the code you are using?
  4. My bad, set the dpiAware entry to false and try again.
  5. Out of interest are you using C# or VB? Just curious as I'm not sure if VB does things different to C# on this - but yes insert my example before the line and see what it does.
  6. Have you tried adding a manifest to your application and marking it as not being DPI aware? If you are on VS 2008 you can add a manifest as a file to your project and add the following true to the file before the closing tag. If you are on VS 2005 then you will need to tweak your project a little to get it to embed the manifest. I can dig up a post on this if you need it though.
  7. If you create a new solution / set of projects and copy the source files over to the new projects what happens?
  8. The property itself would be a normal read only property (i.e. no set method). [Description("Validate the account"), Category("Values"), DefaultValue(false), Browsable(true)] public bool Retvalue { get {return }; } The Browsable(true) isonly required if you need this to appear in the property grid at design time - otherwise set it to false and in that case the Category and Description are also un-needed.
  9. The ChildFormInqui.Instance.Load += new System.EventHandler(ChildFormInqui_Load); ChildFormInqui.Instance.FormClosed += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventHandler(ChildFormInqui_FormClosed); bit of your posted code was what I meant.
  10. If you want to manage this irrespective of version you are probably going to have to do it yourself. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=90330 covers some of the ideas.
  11. You would need to wire up the events every time you create a new instance of the child form.
  12. What database are you using? What drivers are you going through (sqlclient, oledb etc)?
  13. If you create a new application do you get the same problem or does it just seem to be a single web application?
  14. One of the overloaded versions of the async method accepts a user state parameter (just object). You can pretty much shove anything yuo want in there and then access it via the EventArgs parameter in the event handler. When calling the async method you could pass in the control you want to assign the results to in the UserState parameter and then cast it back to a ListControl in the event handler.
  15. Could you not put them into a resource dictionary that is shared between both the WPF and silverlight apps?
  16. If you do not want the user to be ablse to mess with query strings then perhaps query strings are not the solution, either session state or post back fields may be a better choice.
  17. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/nathan_hale/ is that the quote?
  18. What code are you using to extract the other attachment types? What exactly happens when you try with PDF files?
  19. What version of VS are you using? In 2008 the following works fine foreach (string s in imageList1.Images.Keys) Debug.WriteLine(s); however the 2002 version doesn't seem to support the Keys property (then again in 2002 the name doesn't show in the collection editor either). If you are using VS2005 or later you might want to investigate using a resource file rather than an image list control.
  20. I seem to remember VB6 having a winsock control (winsock.ocx and / or inet.ocx I think), - they would probably be the best starting point.
  21. Without knowing more about what the application does then this could be tricky. If you use any 3rd party components then these may specify a minimum requirement you could use as a starting point. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8z6watww.aspx lists the requirements for the versions of .Net itself and might also give you a rough idea of a minimum requirement. If your application is very cpu / video / memory intensive though then you are either going to have to make some educated guesses or see if you can try it on one or two machines of lower spec to get a feel for how well it behaves.
  22. Try If Not dsPRTRDisplay.Tables("TotalByOrganisation").GetChanges Is Nothing instead and see if that works. IIRC GetChanges will return nothing if there are no modified records.
  23. Shouldn't the MDIParent be form1 rather than form1.ActiveForm?
  24. IIRC there is no way for Server.CreateObject to receive parameters other than the ProgID of the object you are trying to create. If it is another method on the object then you should simply be able to call the method and pass a parameter in as normal. If I've missed the point could you post a sample of code to illustrate what you are trying to do and what exactly is failing.
  25. When you run it on your PC are you logged on as admin? If so are you running as a different user on the target pc? Have you tried it on any other PCs - just in case this is a problem specific to that one?
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