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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. system.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory will allow you to create a new folder.
  2. In the Vb project add a reference to the C# one. You should then be able to access the C# classes using the syntax of C#projectnamespace.classname however only classes and methods declared public in the C# project will be available.
  3. PlausiblyDamp


    on the line shtLineEnd = InStr(shtLineStart, strWaitingFromBuffer, Chr(12)) what is the value of shtLineStart? and the value of j in intCharToRemove = InStr(j, strCurrentLine, Chr(10)) ? Also you shoud be using the strings .IndexOf method rather than the InStr function.
  4. If you have SQL installed check the books online for the INSERT ... SELECT topic.
  5. Flags are really just bit fields behind the scenes so the powers of 2 numbering is required for exclusive options. Using your example of Drawing = 1 PNumber = 2 ConsumablePNumber = 3 ConsumablePNumber would logically be the combiniation of Drawing and PNumber - probably not how your logic works. It may be easier to declare your function as taking an array of options and passing multiple values in that way.
  6. How different is the TTL - is it higher or lower and how much is it out by? Are there any router / NAT devices between the sniffer and device / your code?
  7. Have a look in the help for Insert Select IIRC Insert INTO select * from
  8. easier way is to use an enum with the flags attribute public enum FlagTest Flag1 Flag2 Flag3 etc end enum look in help for enum / flags
  9. You can save the layouts quite easiliy with the DockHost.Layout property.
  10. The problem is that http is inherently stateless in opereation, Session variables are maintained by cookies and will normally expire after 20 minutes (web.config can override this) Once the connection between a client browser and server-side session is lost there is no real way to re-associate them. As an aside - how many users are going to be using the system and what type / size of information are you storing in the Session? If this is enough to cause serve crashes it may not be the best solution to the problem.
  11. either system.Environment.CommandLine or System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
  12. If you look under the visual studio program group buried under there is a Visual Studio Command propmt - that one has the path to the tools properly set up.
  13. You will need to pass a reference to Form A to form B. Search these forums and you'll find a good few samples on this.
  14. sn -k filename.snk and in the assemblyinfo.vb file add
  15. try divil's controls instead. http://www.divil.co.uk/net much better, design time support, free and he's a good bloke as well.
  16. Probably easier to move the common functionality out into it's own Classlibrary(or multiple libraries) and reference this from the other projects.
  17. I suppose you could add them as a resource and on execution write them out to disk.... Wouldn't that defeat the point of DLLs - easier updating, better reuse etc?
  18. what do you mean by 'manually converted VB6 ocx' ?
  19. the following will get a double from a hard coded byte-array but hopefully it should work with your data Dim b() As Byte = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(b) Dim sr As New IO.BinaryReader(ms) Dim d As Double = sr.ReadDouble() sr.Close() ms.Close() not sure if the answer is right but worth a try
  20. Probably have to create a new temporary file and write out the new bits and copy the old bits in the correct order, delete the original and rename the new one to the old file's name.
  21. You may be able to force another application to the system tray but why bother? If you are writting a windows messenger style app why not make it a windows app. Also forcing IE into the tray will not be that useful if it either a) interferes with any other instances of IE or b) the user isn't running IE anyway.
  22. http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ they do a CVS plugin for .Net - nevere used it but I swear by their Explorer shell extension
  23. Try either the KeyUp or KeyDown events - they give you access to the KeyCodes.
  24. theString.Replace(Chr(10) & Chr(13),"") should do it
  25. shared not static ;)
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