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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Do you have a link to the website? It seems unlikely there would be a difference in how they compile as the operations are basically the same.
  2. For large strings using a StringBuilder rather than String.Concat or & operator. As far as I'm aware the & and String.Concat compile down to the same instructions anyway.
  3. How much RAM was in the system you tested the app on? .Net implements a lazy garbage collector - if there is plenty of spare RAM why not use some of it rather than wasting time saving a few meg? If the RAM is needed then .Net will free it up then.
  4. Any chance you could post the code in question - will give people a better chance of finding any problems.
  5. If you step through the code does the DataReader contain any valid results? Also you may want to trim any whitespace from the textbox before passing it into the select statement. Dim MyCommand As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Phone='" & TextBox1.Text.Trim() & "'", MyConnection) Just another thought - not used access in ages (no intention of using it either) but does access use a single quote ' or a double quote to delimit strings?
  6. When you say 'has a chart' is this a third party chart control? If so does it have any Dlls that need to be registered? (i.e. is it a ActiveX / COM control)
  7. try Dim MainToolbar1 as New MainToolbar and see if that works
  8. You may have code that requires both operands to be evaluated - perhaps you are comparing the result of two functions - but both of those functions have required side-effects. Not good design in my opinion but it does happen from time to time.
  9. if user.Identity.IsAuthenticated=True Then 'User has been authenticated end if If User.IsInRole("Domain name\domain users") = True Then 'user probably is in domain. End If Could you be a bit clearer on what you mean by 'give users Rights' ? In code you could check for group membership and act based on that. Alternatively you could allow or deny access through the web.config. If you have MSDN installed the following should work - if not search on MSDN website for web.config and authorization http://ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/MS.MSDNQTR.2003APR.1033/cpgenref/html/gngrfdeny.htm http://ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/MS.MSDNQTR.2003APR.1033/cpgenref/html/gngrfallow.htm
  10. When you drag the control onto the web form it doesn't create a variable for it in the code - behind. Simply declare a variable with the same name as the controls name and of the correct type as the control and it should work.
  11. You could try something similar to Dim i as integer i = System.Array.IndexOf(cboUP, sender)
  12. You may want to look at MSDE as an alternative to Access. If you have Visual Studio.Net it ships on the setup CDs (DVD). If you are using Visual Studio 2003 then there is a link to Microsoft's website where you can download it. In a nutshell MSDE is a SQL compatible DB engine so you probably already now how to code / design for it. Plus it can be upgraded to SQL without needing any source changes.
  13. If you have a project that references other Dlls then you will need to deploy those dlls as well as the exe. There is no supported way of building the dll into the exe.
  14. Your attachment contains binaries - could you remove them and reattach the zip. But the following should work for you. Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click Dim p As PictureBox For Each c As Control In Me.Controls If TypeOf c Is PictureBox Then p = DirectCast(c, PictureBox) p.Visible = False End If Next End Sub
  15. picturebox1.Image=system.Drawing.Image.FromFile("path here") should do it I think.
  16. Just tried that here and it worked fine - the transferred file was identical to the original. However I was running both ends on the same PC. How large a file are you transferring? I tested it here with a couple of MP3s about 5M in size quite happily. When you sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't how does it fail?
  17. How are you declaring the variable tripleDES? Trying to do the same thing here and just want to make sure I'm getting things right.
  18. Could you post the changes? Also are you stepping through the code on the send or the receive (or both)?
  19. Different thing, VertexFormats.Transformed and VertexFormats.Texture1 are two seperate bit flags. That line of code is doing a binary OR on them - the result is both options will be set.
  20. Yes, but there may be problems in regards to differences in the frameworks. http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/changeinfo/ http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnnetdep/html/sidexsidenet.asp
  21. One or the other - but not both.
  22. Have you checked the permissions on the paths the error mentioned? Also is the computer still part of the same domain as before?
  23. Are the files in the same folder as the application or in sub-folders? If they are in sub-folders you will need to append those to the StartUp path as well.
  24. To be honest I've never tried writing to a decryption stream that way. I personally would have based the decStream on the network stream and decrypted the bytes as they arrive and just write out the raw bytes to the file stream. If you step through your code in the debugger does the client appear to send any data? If so is the receiving end getting it? edit: typo
  25. If it uses crystal you will need to make sure you deploy the crystal support files. Have a search in these forums I'm sure this has been discussed recently. If not post back here and I'll see what I can dig up.
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