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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Not sure what you mean by this. You could provide a setup package that could deploy the web application to other PCs but people would then require IIS installed locally and still have to access it through a browser.
  2. This isn't really a major problem all it means is you are using an HTML tag that isn't part of the schema (or standard) you have selected. As an example if you create an ASPX page and set the targetSchema to IE3.0 then tags like will be flagged as a warning. The browser targeted may not support them correctly / at all. If you are concerned with HTML compliance, or are design a publicly accessable website then these are things worth fixing - otherwise treat it as a warning that issues may arise.
  3. Is there any reason you need to capture keystrokes from applications other than your own? The most common use for this is generally some form of trojan / key logger - the development of which will not be helped or endorsed by these forums. If you have a genuine need then I apologise and please do reply with further information.
  4. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=81380 has a couple of suggestions in it.
  5. Terrible weather here as well, the joys of the M6 in a morning ;)
  6. A Namespace is just a logical grouping of related classes. A Class is the code that defines an object.
  7. It's an option in later versions of windows (2000 and above) that's turned off by default. Under control panel -> display -> appearance -> effects, you should find the option.
  8. Or you could use a grid or the listview control
  9. put an & before the letter you want to use as a short-cut. The can then use Alt+. i.e. &Yes &No &Maybe &Don't Care
  10. shouldn't if( FAILED( g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( 2*3*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX), 0, D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &g_pVB, NULL ) ) ) be if( FAILED( g_pd3dDevice->CreateVertexBuffer( 4*sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX), // change on this line 0, D3DFVF_CUSTOMVERTEX, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &g_pVB, NULL ) ) ) as you are only adding one extra vertex to define a triangle strip.
  11. Also the idea of an OS is a bit of an issue these days as it seems to cover everything from the hardware management through API functionality, the GUI and even things that could traditionally be treated as an application or addon (IIS, Messenger, IE etc) Low level stuff (parts of the kernel, parts of device drivers, HAL) will need some assembler to handle the underlying CPU etc. Other parts of the kernel and the API could be C or C++ although C++ may incur too much overhead in some places. C++ can make the application side of things easier than C though. However C++, C and assembler also require a very indepth knowledge of the language and it's quirks as well as involving quite a lot of manual coding to deal with memory management (leaks and Dr watsons are very easy to come by) C# (or VB.Net or any other .Net language) can provide a much quicker development environment and also make some of these issues less of a problem (not removed though) As to writting a C/C++ compiler these things tend to evolve - the earliest C compilers would have been written in assembler (probably) as these compilers and the language itself matured then later compilers would have been written in C. The first C++ compilers were really parsers that took C++ code and generated C code that did the same thing which was then fed through a C compiler, over time these became real C++ compilers. Again as the benefits became apparent then the C++ compilers would have been migrated over from C to C++.
  12. http://www.go-mono.com/mbas.html although if you are developing on a system with a vb compiler (e.g. windows) then the compiled code (MSIL) will run under the mono implementation as long as the required classes have been implemented in the mono project
  13. System.Environment.OSVersion.Version will give you the OS details System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Revision is the one that depends on service pack version.
  14. You will need to make sure the account the asp.net service runs under has permissions to the network then.
  15. Do you want to save the data to the server or the client PC via their browser? To prompt the browser to save use something similar to: 'Send data to client Response.ContentType = "text/csv" 'Set the data type Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition:", "file; filename = Test.txt") 'Set the suggested filename Dim s As IO.Stream = Response.OutputStream 'use s as a normal stream streamwriter etc. Dim sw As New IO.StreamWriter(s) sw.WriteLine("Data here") sw.Flush() sw.Close()
  16. If there is a class within the .Net framework that meets your requirements then it is usually better to go with the .Net class rather than the API. The .Net framework gives you a more more Object Orientated way of dealing with things and is the development platform MS are pushing at the moment.
  17. Could you give a bit more information? What is the datatype you want to convert the string to and what relation is the string to this datatype?
  18. In VB.Net forms are just classes - you will need to create a valid instance of the form before you can use it. dim f as new Form1 f.Show()
  19. Just to be petty but the two functions public string FunctionName(string parameter1) { return FunctionName(parameter1, "default value 2"); } public string FunctionName(string parameter2) { return FunctionName("default value 1", parameter2); would be detected as being the same because they both only accept a single string.
  20. Both name parts need to be the full path and filename of the file in question.
  21. What kind of application are you using? Forcing a screen resolution onto your users is generally a bad idea - I have my resolution set at what I like and may want to alt-tab into other applications while yours is running. http://www.vb2themax.com/Item.asp?PageID=CodeBank&Cat=1300&ID=290 is a way to do it in VB6 - converting the code to .Net shouldn't be too difficult though.
  22. system.IO.File.Move("old name","new name")
  23. C# does have one or two features that VB.Net doesn't 1. Operator overloading (but not something you would need very often) 2. the using clause (not the using directive) which can automatically call the .Dispose method when an object is finished with. Most of the time though the language is more of a syntax thing rather than functionality. Both VB.Net and C# compile to MSIL and use the same Base Class Library (.Net Framework).
  24. You could also hold the variable SelFrm at the MDI form level and check if it is nothing - if nothing then you need to create a new instance otherwise use the existing one.
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