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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. something like Dim i, j As Integer i = 4 j = 3 Dim fmtstr(,) As String ReDim fmtstr(i, j)
  2. from the server side code you could use TextBox1.Font.Bold = True or you may want to investigae CSS http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
  3. Would it not be easier to use an existing tool like VNC? http://www.realvnc.com/
  4. The error message tells you what you need to do. Open the page in the HTML view and at the top there will be a line that starts <@Page and ends with %> simply add validateRequest=false before the %> to turn off the automatic checking. Be aware though that this can allow people to enter potentially malicious code into the textboxes and as such your code behind should really check the values entered before using them. Out of interest is there a reason why you want people to be able to enter HTML tags into your form?
  5. Is it really a surprise that on a .Net developer forum most members are .Net developers?
  6. PlausiblyDamp


    Are you disposing of objects when you've finished with them? If not it is probably worthwhile trying that. If you need to force GarbageCollection try GC.Collect().
  7. Don't use modules. Create the dataset and store it in the session object. Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here If Not IsPostBack Then ..... myDataSet = New DataSet() Session("MyData")= myDataSet else myDataSet = Session("MyData") End if ...... End sub as a quick and dirty example.
  8. If you don't set a transparency key for the form then it seems to display fine for me. What problems are you having?
  9. C# is easier and more friendly than C and puts in impressive performance (admittedly in a simple test) with a version 1 (1.1) JIT compiler. As .Net gains more ground (project mono, Longhorn) JIT performance will improve (use P3 / P4 optimizations) as will functionality provided in the BCL and 3rd part libraries. The justification for using C / C++ for development will start to fail (similar to the old assembly is better than C argument). Compared to Java I suppose it depends more on the target audience / platform / customer requirements as to choice of language as they both offer similar concepts and development models.
  10. What have you done? What errors do you get? Find attached a really rushed and shoddy sample - probably better of replacing the included bitmap with another one. transparentform.zip
  11. Could you not just use Session.Abandon()
  12. It's simply telling you what files were loaded and then when you closed it the application closed - there is nothing to fix.
  13. I would imagine it is just a bitmap the size of the entire splash screen but with parts of it transparent.
  14. Have a look at PhoneArrayList.CopyTo() and it's overloads - one of them may work.
  15. If the control already exists on the form then you could find it through a loop Dim s As String = "TextBox1" Dim t As TextBox Dim c As Control For Each c In Me.Controls If c.Name = s Then t = c Exit For End If Next There may be a better way but that should do the trick.
  16. say 'more than textboxes, labels and buttons' - what else do you mean?
  17. where are you calling somesub from?
  18. I found http://staff.develop.com/candera/weblog2/articleview.aspx/DirectX/Direct3D to be a very good starting tutorial.
  19. http://xmlfox.com/CSsamples.htm
  20. When you installed visual studio did you choose to install C# or can you see C# projects but not the one for a console application?
  21. Personally I despise the InputBox function but you could do something like Dim fileName As String Do filename = InputBox("Input a filename:", "File Lister", "my movies", 200, 300) Loop Until fileName <> "" although I would use something more user-friendly like Dim sf As New SaveFileDialog sf.Title = "Input a filename" Dim fileName As String Do sf.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath sf.ShowDialog() fileName = sf.FileName Loop Until fileName <> ""
  22. Is the file open? Is it the same file you were using in Dim file As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)? If so you will need to do a file.Close().
  23. what is the variable sFiles? Is that being written to a file for a reason? If you want to save and load items from a ListBox why are you clearing it and adding non-listbox information to it? You should be able to save the list with code similar to Dim ListFile as new System.IO.StreamWriter("Random file name here.txt") Dim i as string for each i in listbox1.items listfile.writeline(i) next listfile.close()
  24. Got to ask but why do you need their e-mail if you are running within a domain?
  25. change the middle bit to Do B = SR.ReadLine If Not B Is Nothing Then ComboBox1.Items.AddRange(New Object() {B}) end if Loop Until B Is Nothing the last SR.ReadLine will be nothing - thats what is causing the error.
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