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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. What does the .insertNewDataPerformanceMeasures function look like? It appears you are not passing in the required parameters
  2. Is there any code in the frmMains Load event?
  3. Posting a link in response to a valid question is not and never has been a problem or something that the board moderators have attempted to prevent. The issue was posting a link as the 1st post in a new thread.
  4. C# only supports single inheritance at the moment - the next release may support multiple inheritance (or not). C# does support implementation of multiple interfaces though - this is often a good replacement for the C++ technique of multiple abstract base classes.
  5. It looks like the @ProductId parameter is being returned as a NULL, you may need to check it befrore refering to it or make sure the Stored Procedure sets it to a non-null value.
  6. Could you post the code in question? It makes it a lot easier for people to help....
  7. How are you building the string? Any chance you could post some code?
  8. shadows more shadows static
  9. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=82112&highlight=decompile http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77883&highlight=decompile http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75908&highlight=decompile
  10. Can't think of an easy way to do that - I suppose you could use something like select case o.GetType().ToString() case "System.Integer" 'etc but that looks pretty horrible - what kind of classes are you looking at using and needing to select between - there may be a better alternative.
  11. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;834489 gives some suggested work arounds, or you could switch to a different browser ;)
  12. try For Each o As Object In meshlist If typeof o Is clsItem Then 'Do stuff End If Next
  13. this might bring the plane a little closer :)
  14. http://authors.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/translate.aspx does a reasonable job - not sure how well it would do with the above link though. It may be easier to just compile the C# into a DLL and reference that from your VB code...
  15. You could use the idea posted here or you may want to look at this link
  16. Sam - spot on as long as your running VS.net 2003 / Framework 1.1 in version 1.0 it would have to be dim o as object For Each o In meshlist If o.GetType Is o.clsItem Then 'Do stuff End If Next
  17. ASCII is actually only 7 bits long, ANSI is 8 bits. Under .Net all strings are treated as unicode anyway so nothing special is needed to display them. As for converting between them have a look under the System.Text namespace - lots of stuff under there
  18. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=82600 may be worth a look. If you find it useful remember to thank a_jam_sandwich ;)
  19. Dim files() As String files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("Your path here") ListBox1.DataSource = files
  20. Does your website require the user to authenticate? If not then they will not have a username....
  21. quick example... Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey rk; rk = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\Test"); Byte[] b = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; rk.SetValue("A Value", b);
  22. VB.Net doesn't give you direct access to pointers in the language - what are you trying to do that requires pointers?
  23. backstring.Replace(" ","") would remove the spaces, however here's a quicker way.... Dim backstring As String TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text.ToUpper.Replace(" ", "") Dim chars() As Char = TextBox1.Text Array.Reverse(chars) backstring = New String(chars) If backstring = TextBox1.Text Then MsgBox("YaHooo") Else MsgBox("BooHooo") End If
  24. What code do you have in the MDI parents closing event?
  25. Denaes, Just a couple of points. 1. - agree very windows based at the moment but there are steps to remedy this Project mono being one. 2. - agree again, C# is more abstracted from the physical hardware than C / C++ / ASM:eek: but this abstaraction can save a lot of pain and misery. The fact you don't need to mange memory yourself means development time can be a lot quicker and a very large source of errors has been removed (or reduced anyway) 3. here I begin to differ, have a look this thread and you will see performance actually approaches that of C++, this would put it potentially a lot faster than VB6 while still keeping a RAD model and reducing development times in comparison to a tradition C / C++ model. As Derek says though C# is a new language, like all developments it takes time for people to properly evaluate things, finish existing projects before starting new ones, cost justifing risks in moving to new tools / languages and the associated re-skilling costs - hence the reason it's still not a common language for large projects. (Imagine the effort in moving any sizable C/C++ based project i.e. office to C#....)
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