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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Whidby is the next version of Visual Studio - currently scheduled for early 2005. Some nice language / IDE enhancements in there.
  2. Label1.ForeColor = Color.Yellow
  3. If you are using C# then you can provide XML documentation using a variant of the c-style // comment. i.e. /// /// Returns a pointless string /// /// Parameter to personalise the rubbish returned /// Utter junk is returned private string HelloWorld(string name) { return "Hello " + name; } also if you are building a classlibrary then rummage in the project properties - there is an optioin to generate a XML file that can then be used by the IDE to provide tool tips between projects and cal also be used with NDoc to produce help files.
  4. Is the dataString building up in the loop though? What is the value of lstHSL.Items.Count? Try putting Option Strict On at the top of the source file and fix any errors that get generated. Also what does lstHSL(i) evaluate to in each itteration of the loop?
  5. If you step through the code what happens in the For i = 0 To lstHSL.Items.Count() - 1 dataString = dataString + lstHSL.Items(i) Next i part? Does the string build up correctly? Did you mean to use '&' instead of '+' in the loop?
  6. The browser will be running under the ASPNET account - not the account of the logged on user, therefore you will not see it on the desktop.
  7. in the snippet =convert(varchar,'" & _ Format(Now, "HH:mm") & "',113) you need to specify the size of the varchar i.e. varchar(10) - similar to what you did earlier.
  8. You may want to investigate the command line tool caspol.exe, should allow you to automate / script this kind of thing.
  9. Just tried a test using the following code and it read the first line of the text file correctly. System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); System.IO.Stream s= wc.OpenRead("http://localhost/test.txt"); System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(s); string st; st=sr.ReadLine(); when you say you received a lot of html - what was the content of the HTML (error message / status code)?
  10. try System.IFormatProvider format = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true); string myDateTimeValue = "2/16/1992 12:15:12"; DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Parse (myDateTimeValue,format); their code is assuming US date / time format. If you are using different regional settings then this will cause your problem.
  11. The tab control has an alignment property - just set it to bottom.
  12. It's part of system.web.dll - just add a reference to that.
  13. Any chance you could post some code or give a little bit more detail?
  14. shouldn't (DataGrid1.PageCount - e.NewPageIndex) <= 0 be (DataGrid1.PageCount - e.NewPageIndex) > 0
  15. ex has an errors collection - you can use a foreach loop to loop over all the errors returned by SQL.
  16. something like the following should help try{ //whatever code you where doing } catch(SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 2627) //IIRC 2627 is a PK violation { //handle duplicate id here } }
  17. MSDE is probably set to only use windows authentication and as such will not allow you to login as 'sa'. You can grant permissions to the aspnet account and then create a user in the database sp_grantlogin '\ASPNET' use sp_grantdbaccess '\ASPNET','ASPNET' and then on the create connection tab go for windows authentication
  18. Are you sure you don't have one? What version of VS are you running? If you look on the view menu server explorer should be the 3rd or 4th item down.
  19. You may want to have a look at the DataList control - you can define a template to display the data in the correct format and then databind this - much easier.
  20. You don't. MDB are access database files. If you want to create a new database for msde you can do it through server explorer in VS.Net or via code you can use the CREATE DATABASE command CREATE DATABASE ON ( NAME = , FILENAME = , SIZE = 10, MAXSIZE = 20, FILEGROWTH = 5 ) LOG ON ( NAME = , FILENAME = , SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 25MB, FILEGROWTH = 5MB ) where the logical name parts are identifies used inside MSDE and the physical paths are the actual filenames on disk - the directory specified must exist but the file itself shouldn't. By convention the database filename edns with a .mdf extension and the log with a .ldf.
  21. if (line.StartsWith("//")
  22. It is possible to have a web.config in each sub dir, but certain tags can only appear in the application's root though. What are you trying to do - there may be an alternate way of acheiving this.
  23. As far as I'm aware the only thing you can do is make the clientAdmin folder a virtual directory under IIS or move the config to the demo folder.
  24. Would the 5 that need to be changed be physically close to each other on the form? If so you could put them in a panel and do a for ... each over the panels controls. Although the designer doesn't support the creation of control ararys like VB6 did you can still create the arrays in code yourself...
  25. Is the folder containing the web.config configuered as a virtual director in IIS? If not it needs to be. Also IIRC you can only set the authentication mode in the applications root directory - if you are trying to do this in a sub-dir then that will also cause this error.
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