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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Is the debugger still running when you try to do this? I've seen this problem when the application hasn't exited fully and you try to use the designer.
  2. Are you sure the DLL is messed up? The size of the file could change depending on Service pack / hot fix installed. What OS are you running on the local machine?
  3. Set the textbox's TextMode property to password.
  4. This is mainly handled at a lower level than IIS - incoming requests are really just another tcp/ip sockets connection and as such these are identified by a unique IP / Port number combination. Normally IIS wouldn't need to care - it gets a request, sends a response and forgets all about the request immediately afterwards. If IIS is required to maintain information (state) about a client between requests then you would use some other mechanism (viewstate, sessions, querystrings etc) to programmatically control this.
  5. Personally I'd always opt for stored procedures whenever the DB provides the capability. String concatenation (or its variants like String.Format) leave you open to potential security flaws and can increase the amount of validation you need to perform (search for phrases like SQL Injection to see what I mean).
  6. Paste this into the form in question - should give you a good idea of what you need to do. Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &HA1 Private Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2 Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) If m.Msg = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN AndAlso m.WParam.ToInt32() = HTCAPTION Then MessageBox.Show("hit") Return End If MyBase.WndProc(m) End Sub
  7. If this is hosted by your ISP then you will need t o ask them to make the test sub-folder into an IIS application.
  8. Certain web.config entries are only allowed in the application root - is kcwallace_com marked as a virtual folder in IIS (and also as an application)? If so then this is the application root and you will not be able to change the authentication mode in the test subfolder.
  9. What database are you using? If it is a proper client/server db like SQL or Oracle then you could create a server side stored procedure and use that rather than the string concatenation you are currently using.
  10. We're all allowed those moments - especially on a Friday :)
  11. You are probably better of using the native .Net functions rather than the legacy VB6 DateDiff it should be something like Dim d1970 As DateTime = #1/1/1970# Dim dNow As New DateTime.Now Dim diff as TimeSpan diff = dNow.Subtract(d1970) mTS = ts.TotalSeconds
  12. You could set the combobox's DropDown Style to ComboBoxStyle .DropDownList
  13. Session["department"] = Department.text; I always forget to use [ ] instead of ( ) when switching between vb and c#
  14. Are you using Forms authentication? If so you can call the FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLogin() method to automatically redirect the user to their originally intended page.
  15. If you are calling the delegate synchrounously then there is no need to track if it has completed - when the call returns it has completed / if it hasn't returned it hasn't completed. The callback / asyncresult are only required when dealing with delegates in an asynchrounous way.
  16. You would still need to call the DataAdapter.Update(....) command to push the changes back to the datasource.
  17. Quite often this is caused by recursion (i.e. you are repeatedly calling a function from within the same function). Easiest way to avoid it is either don't use recursion :) or include checks to limit how often a function is recursed into. If you are having a problem with a particular piece of code feel free to post here and we will see what we can do.
  18. Any particular kind of file? You could always define a web method that returns a byte array and just send the file back that way, however depending on the file size you may encounter some issues. If you need anymore info feel free to ask.
  19. Sounds odd - probably not what you wanted to hear :-\ when the session variables are being reset is this happening to all session variables or just selected ones? If it is happening to all sessions then there could be a problem that is causing the asp.net service to restart itself. Are there any errors / warnings logged in the Event Viewer that would indicate the asp.net service is restarting (look for references to aspnet_wp.exe). Alternatively you may want to look at storing the session state outside of the Asp.Net process. (Have a look here for further info. As another idea do you have any service packs for the framework installed? If not it may be worth checking out SP2 - in the List of fixes it mentions the worker process restarting unexpectedly as one of the fixes.
  20. DDE isn't supported under .Net (as far as I'm aware - but that is a good thing IMHO :)) You may want to look at the ideas in these threads and see if they help any. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=78598 http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=83630
  21. http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/aspplus/ has some good starting tutorials.
  22. In C# you can just use the delegate like a normal function call i.e. Flowerchosen(3); the C# compiler will actually generate the code as if you had written Flowerchosen.Invoke(3) .
  23. Does it seem to expire after a consistent time or do the session variables seem to be lost on a random basis? Also, just out of interest what OS are you running the web application on?
  24. They will all require the .Net framework to be installed before running any .Net apps - however SP2 for XP should include the framework as will all new versions of windows. In itself the framework is approx 20-30M download and should install in 5 minutes or so. To develop .Net applications you will require the .Net SDK which is free. A VB.Net windows application should run on all the above supported editions of windows - however if you are creating an ASP.Net application that IIRC it will require Win2K or better for the server.
  25. I doubt the error is caused by this but which dlls is it looking for on e: ? Also when you run your application what line of code produces the error? Any chance you could post the relevant code sections?
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