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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=83092
  2. Is it an IIS virtual directory? Right click on it and bring up it's properties - near the bottom there should be an entry that says something like application with a button labelled 'Create'. Click the button and try again.
  3. If you have copied them over from another machine then you will need to make the folder the files reside in an IIS application from within IIS manager.
  4. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=49597
  5. Where are the webservices located remote or local? Can you browse to the webservice through IE or does that fail as well?
  6. C# doesn't really have a one-to-one mapping for the WithEvents. Instead you would programatically wire-up event handlers like... private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.MergeFailed+=new MergeFailedEventHandler(ds_MergeFailed); } private void ds_MergeFailed(object sender, MergeFailedEventArgs e) { //event handler here }
  7. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vsintro7/html/vxlrfDTEObject.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vsintro7/html/vxprodteproperty.asp Also perhaps no one responded because either no one knows the answer or you didn't give enough time to respond - you only left about 7 hours since your last post and it's only just over 1 day since your first post, not every board member frequents here every single day.
  8. as an array of what data type? Also you could use the .ToString I showed above rather than the CType.
  9. How is ProgramData declared? Also it may be worth trying ProgramData(1).ToString() and ProgramData(2).ToString(), but I would still check to see if ProgramData() is declared correctly.
  10. Do the animated bitmaps use transparency at all? I seem to remember reading somewhere about how several of the video drivers that shipped with win98 either not handling transparency (and alpha blending) either properly or at all - have you tried updating the video drivers just to see? Also have you done any profilling of the app to see where the performance issues are - could be memory if you are getting lots of disc access but where is the memory being allocated? It may be worth running the app and monitoring it with Performance monitor / task manager to see what kind of memory load etc it is using (or alternatively have a look here for a nice free tool).
  11. OCX files and COM dlls will be slower to access than native .Net components anyway - if these are 3rd party components then it may be worth seeing if there is a .Net replacement. Also .Net components do not need to be registered on the remote computer so deployment is easier. As to deployment being easier - originally the same complaints were levelled agains VB6 (and 5 and 4 and 3 etc) as they also needed large (for the time) runtime libraries to be deployed. With .Net things will get better 2003 and future versions will include the framework as will XP SP2. As to performance - without seeing the code / knowing the size, colour depth etc of the bitmaps it is hard to know were performance issues occur. Are you doing a release build of your application rather than a debug build for shipping to customers? Also what OS / Hardware specs is the application being run on? Is it a particular routine that is slow or just overall?
  12. in vb you can either use the handles clause Private Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Changed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.Changed End Sub or the addhandler keyword Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AddHandler FileSystemWatcher1.Changed, AddressOf FileSystemWatcher1_Changed End Sub
  13. Debug output goes to any attached debugger - if you are running your application from the IDE then it will normally be the Output Window, although you can access this information in other ways. When you do a release build the Debug. calls should be removed from the executable. If you monitor your application (either through window's performance monitor or a 3rd party tool like Process monitor what kind of memory allocations / Garbage collections / CPU usage are you getting?
  14. Are you doing a release build of your application? You should be able to select Debug or Release from the toolbar - then do a build.
  15. something like system.IO.File.Copy( , environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop & "\" & )
  16. This is probably a consequence of using jpeg compression, too achieve high compression rates jpeg implements a lossy compression that works well for photorealistic images. However a side effect of this is that when you get two colours next to each other then they will cause these artifacts to occur. you may be better off considering another image format (like gif or png)
  17. http://photoneffect.com/coldet/ may be worth a look
  18. If you right click on the webreference there should be an option to refresh (or similar) have you tried doing that and then re-compiling?
  19. Do you mean you are declaring variables of type wsGroups in several places or declaring the class wsGroups in several places?
  20. If you run task manager (or better still Process Explorer) does the memory usage increase steadily or is it a single increase that causes this problem? Also are you correctly disposing all the GDI+ objects you are creating in your drawing code? If in doubt please post the relevant code and somebody may be able to spot a problem (GDI+ isn't my strong point :))
  21. http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/addnewuser.asp?df=100&forumid=14622&exp=0&select=718275 maybe worth a look. I think the property that you are after will be RasPermissions. Not something I've done personally but it looks promissing.
  22. It may be worth running the MDAC checker tool from MS http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=8f0a8df6-4a21-4b43-bf53-14332ef092c9&displaylang=en just to see if it reports any errors
  23. Tried it here and didn't really notice any increase in memory (although I only ran it for about 5 minutes). How long were you running your application and how large a memory increase did you notice. Also it is worth knowing that .Net uses a lazy garbage collection system for recovering memory - if you have large amounts of RAM available then it will only attempt to reclaim this unused memory when it deems there is enough benefits from doing so.
  24. There is a good chance that the deice is getting lost when you minimize and will need to be re-created. http://staff.develop.com/candera/weblog2/articleview.aspx/DirectX/Direct3D/13%20Device%20Recovery.xml may be worth a look.
  25. When you moved the projects over did you just copy the solution files to the new machine? Have you also moved the web service to the laptop as well? If so you may want to try removing the webreference from the client project and then adding it back in. Also search the project for anywhere you are declaring the class wsGroups as the error indicates you are declaring the same class name multiple times.
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