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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Are you browsing to the server via an ip address, server name or fully qualified domain name? A quick search on google revealed a similar problem if the domain name of the server had an underscore _ in it. :confused:
  2. Are you testing this from the same browser or are you running a different browser on each machine? Could you also paste the session information from your web.config here - if possible both the version from the testing machine and the one from the server.
  3. Is session state enabled in the web.Config?
  4. SQL Server doesn't use the # symbols on dates - try it without them, also you may have better luck if you converted the code to a stored procedure and just passed the dates in as parameters.
  5. Function DoSomething() As String 'return code Return x End Function will work just fine.
  6. That will work as well! Did you cut and paste that from VS? If so are you using CRLF or just a CR as a line terminator?
  7. You should be able to use Application.ExecutablePath
  8. For Each s As String In MyStrings Console.WriteLine(s) Next s as long as you are using vs 2003 or later
  9. Try something like Private Shared Sub DaRowUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler) 'And add the handler like this AddHandler DataadAdaptors(vTable).RowUpdating, AddressOf DaRowUpdating
  10. Is that the exact code you are using to display the forms? If so the ShowDialog should block further processing until the form has been dismissed. It may be worth showing your actual code to see if you are doing anything that might cause problems.
  11. You could use ShowDialog rather than Show. I've got to ask though - are you really planning on displaying the same form 100 times to a user? That would drive me up the wall if I was the end user.
  12. When you say it doesn't work does it give any errors or just not appear where you expect? Also you will need to import the System.ComponentModel namespace for those to work.
  13. ASP.Net applications run under their own user account (ASPNET) and as such will not have access to applications running on the same machine under a different user account.
  14. Dim path As String path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal)
  15. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=80277&highlight=directcast+ctype http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73095&highlight=ctype+directcast http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=70566&highlight=ctype+directcast http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80277&highlight=ctype+directcast
  16. If you are simply refering to NTFS compression via explorer rather than any internal TIFF compression the following should do the trick. If System.IO.File.GetAttributes("c:\autoexec.bat") And IO.FileAttributes.Compressed = IO.FileAttributes.Compressed Then MessageBox.Show("Compressed") End If
  17. Try CONVERT(varchar(20), , 103)
  18. You can set them at the project level rather than every code module.
  19. When converting from strings I often tend to use the various .Parse methods rather than the Convert. methods. i.e. Instead of Dim s As String = "43" Dim i As Integer i = Convert.ToInt32(s) I would tend to use Dim s As String = "43" Dim i As Integer i = Integer.Parse(s) 'or depending on my needs one of the overloaded versions like i = Integer.Parse(s, Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency)
  20. What error do you get?
  21. If you are using SQL you can always format the returned values using SQL's CONVERT function, or alternatively if you are using them in a .Net application then you should be able to use .Net's formatting features.
  22. I must admit if I'm using arrays Redim / Preserve are one of the very few VB6 constructs I use without feeling guilty ;) Saying that I try to stay clear of arrays these days - often using a collection class (either provided or one code for a specific purpose) is far more flexible.
  23. Optional is really still there for legacy VB code that has been migrated to .Net - overloaded functions are generally the prefered way to do things.
  24. Is there a particular reason why you are storing dates as strings? Date range comparisons are much easier if the date is stored as a date.
  25. http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmclibrary/ http://www.developerfusion.com/show/4451/2/
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