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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Have you tried Dim ps As New ProcessStartInfo ps.FileName = "base.fme" ps.UseShellExecute = True Dim p As New Process p.StartInfo = ps p.Start()
  2. http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/
  3. Is fme and executable?
  4. Where is mail defined?
  5. clicky should answer your questions.
  6. In all honesty if you require a provider neutral method of accessing data bases then this method will lead to problems later - what if OleDBconnection exposes methods that SQlconnection doesn't (and vice versa)? You will be better of declaring your variables through the interfaces provided under system.data e.g. Dim conn as IDbConnection conn = New OleDB.OleDBConnection() 'etc. to be truely flexible you could also create the correct type of connection etc. at runtime based on an external config file - you may find it worth reading up on the concept of a 'Factory Pattern' as a way to acheive this.
  7. The namespace refers to the string prefixed to the class name. e.g. OleDbConnection is really System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection with System.Data.OleDb being the namespace and OleDbConnection is the class name. Both C# and Vb (and presumably other .Net languages also) have ways of shortening this syntax: VB.Net has the Imports Keyword and C# has the using directive. Both allow you either just allow you to use the class name without prefixing the namespace or alias the namespace to another string. e.g. 'full namesapce Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim o As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection End Sub End Module 'Import namespace, no aliasing Imports System.Data.OleDb Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim o As OleDbConnection End Sub End Module 'import and alias Imports pegs = System.Data.OleDb Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim o As pegs.OleDbConnection End Sub End Module 'aliasing classname Imports pegs = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim o As pegs End Sub End Module note these methods will still require the references to be set up correctly. I personally would really avoid the last method as it will make it very difficult to identify what a variable's real data type is as this will not be obvious at the point of declaration.
  8. IIRC you could simply rename the exe to have a scr extension and put it in the windows folder - should then appear as a screensaver choice. Failing that you could try setting the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\SCRNSAVE.EXE to the name / path of the executable.
  9. From visual studio you can go to the project menu and get it to copy the relevant files to a production server. If you wish to do it manually then you will need to copy the bin directory (contains the dlls etc), the aspx, asmx (if present), asax (if present), web.config and any other content (xml, jpeg, html etc)
  10. Did you name the Form 'Form1' though - if so that is the class name - you need to declare an instance of the form; I recomend reading through the tutorial bucky posted above to get a better understanding as these things have changed drastically since VB6.
  11. Is form1 an instance of a form of the actual class for the form? It should work fine if it is an instance of the class.
  12. You will also need to add a reference to System.ServiceProcess.dll
  13. The mscorlib stuff will be installed as part of the .Net framework so that should be okay. If you really aren't using any ADO you may want to try removing the references to ADODB and the MSDATASRC dlls from your project and rebuild - just to see if no errors are caused.
  14. In .Net all data types are ultimately derived from object; therefore a variable declared as object can hold any datatype. Casting is merely the process of taking a generic representation (i.e. object or a base class if inheritance is being used) and creating a more specific variable to represent it. Things like int.Parse() will convert between two different types of variables i.e. a string that may contain an integer represented as a string andan actual integer.
  15. Could you post more of your code? It is quite hard to identify a problem from just a single line of code. Also you may want to investigate the regular expression validator control as an alternative - this will allow for client side validation as well as server side validation.
  16. Could you give a little more detail about what you mean by a shared picture box? And what other modules are you intending to access it from?
  17. The VB migration wizard is a pretty bad way to upgrade a VB6 project, often you are better off redesigning / recoding so you can take advantage of the newer .Net features. One other problemis that the migration wizard requires your application to ship with a lot of legacy stuff - nearly every one of the the DLLs you listed above is a legacy COM component or a wrapper around legacy functionality; Only the ShDocVw.dll doesn't have a newer .Net equivalent.
  18. Dim sc As New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController sc.ServiceName = "name of service here" If sc.Status = ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus.Running Then 'is running End If
  19. If the variable really does contain and int then you can simply do int tmp = (int) obj; This will only work if obj is really an int (not a string that contains a number etc)
  20. Have you tried docking the second splitter to the top rather than the default of Left?
  21. Web servers are not designed to push software out to clients, you will either need a client side utility to perform the update by polling the webserver and downloading updates or use an alternate technology.
  22. In a nutshell - yes. Think of the security implications if a web server could simply push files onto your PC without any input from yourself.
  23. Did you try the code I posted? Regardless of what you think you are doing the + symbol in your code will try to add the operands together, use the & to concatenate string values together.
  24. If you decide on DirectX (search these forums for a few arguments regarding openGL and DirectX) then have a look in our Tutor's Corner for some examples. In fact this one tells you what you need to get started.
  25. The destination machine will also need the .Net framework installed.
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