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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. If you are creating the threads manually then you can assign a name to them - makes it easier to identify later on. IIRC an exit code of 0 usually means the thread completed without any errors.
  2. In that case you could probably either buy a 3rd party grid control with a 'more excel like' appearance or even just display it in excel.
  3. At the top of the source file you will need to add Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
  4. The bottom line in .Net is that you shouldn't be modifying the UI from anything other than the primary thread, if you are then you need to invoke the changes from the main thread. Could you post more of the code as trying to figure out multi-threaded problems can be difficult at best of times, never mind when you only have tiny snippets of code to work with.
  5. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=81155
  6. Could you not just display the data in a DataGrid?
  7. Have you looked at this thread? Should give you an idea of what to do.
  8. Is this for a windows or web application?
  9. Any chance you could post your code? It's very difficult for people to identify problems without seeing the workings.
  10. Can you edit the remote computers registry manually via regedit?
  11. You are declaring the dsCustomers twice - once at the page level and once within the postback check, if the dataset is required in multiple routines in the page then declaring at the page level is okay, if this is the only routine that uses it then there is no need to declare it outside the page_load You may want to consider checking if the cache object returns null - as your code makes no checks (hence the reason you were getting the original errors) Also you do not appear to be either filling the dataset anywhere in that code sample or storing the dataset into the Cache object - are there other routines used in this page?
  13. What spec PC are you running this on? Just cut and pasted yuor code and it was only taking approx 90ms, although if you don't create the size and font on each itteration of the loop I managed to cut about 20ms off the time.
  14. Could you post the relevant code?
  15. You would need to call the ShFileOperation api via interop to do this correctly. http://www.pinvoke.net has a declare for the function and the required structure as well as a little sample http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/shell32.SHFileOperation
  16. http://pluralsight.com/wiki/default.aspx/Craig.DirectX.Direct3DTutorialIndex http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=87678 are two good starting points if you are considering doing everything from scratch in DirectX. Have you considered any tools / technologies so far?
  17. It means the variable is available to all functions in the current page, although in the code posted above is totally redundant and strOutPut could have been declared within the Page_Load anyway...
  18. Get files returns an Array, could you not just use the .Length property of the array?
  19. Try changing the longs to integers as a starting point, also you may want to see if http://www.pinvoke.net already has a declare for this api.
  20. http://www.icsharpcode.net have a nice free library that will handle Zip files (and tar, bzip2 and gzip as well)
  21. Does the existing app1.dll accept http posts at the moment? If not then won't these modifications require them to make changes to use HTTP Posts? If they wish to continue using the DLL as is then you could create a web service that will receive the http requests and formward them to the DLL for the clients requiring this feature, while the rest just use the dll directly. It may help if you give a bit more detail about what the existing app1.dll currently does / where these requirements have come from and the need for this change.
  22. You will need to configure https support within IIS, if you open the IIS Manager and expand the tree till you can see your web site. Right click on the virtual folder for your web service and select properties. Go to the Directory Security tab and the option for SSL is the 'Secure communications' at the bottom of the dialog; however you will need to install a digital certificate for this to work.
  23. Are you talking about an ASP.Net or a windows application? Okay, moved to the correct forum now.
  24. Are you generating the graphic yourself or is that being provided 'as is' with the text already drawn? If the graphic is being pre-generated what kind of background is present?
  25. That is a fairly broad subject area to be asked about, if I was asked such an open ended question I would begin to doubt the competancy of the interviewer. If they mean just broad features / benefits then you could generalise but beyond that they would need to be more specific. Although not a good overview of the framework I would definately recommend Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming for anyone seriously looking at working with the Framework.
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