The string handling stuff could use String.Substring e.g.
Dim s as string
Dim h as string = "Hello World"
s = Lefth, 3)
s = Right(h,3)
s = Mid(h, 2, 3)
'could be written as
s = h.SubString(3)
s = h.SubString(h, h.Length -2, 3)
s = h.SubString(h,2,3)
The FileExists Method could be replaced with System.Io.File.Exists() and will save instantiating the FileSystemObject every time.
The ReturnContents could be replaced with
Public Function returnContents(ByVal strFile As String) As String
Dim sr as new StreamReader(strFile)
dim s as string = sr.ReadToEnd()
return s
End Function
In the pack method you might want to declare words as string rather than object.
I'm not sure what the StripOut method is supposed to be doing from just glancing at it - any chance you could give an explanation?