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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Is it redrawing the gradient but incorrectly? If so it is probably because you are using the clip rectangle to calculate the gradient as well as which part to redraw. Try changing the code like so gr1 = New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush( _ New Point(0, 0), New Point(0, pevent.ClipRectangle.Height), _ Me.BackColor, Me.BackColor2) 'change to gr1 = New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush( _ New Point(0, 0), New Point(Me.Height, Me.Width), _ Me.BackColor, Me._BackColor2) and see if that helps.
  2. something like Dim a() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} Dim h As New Hashtable() h.Add("test", a) Dim b() As String b = DirectCast(h.Item("Test"), String()) should do the trick
  3. Are you sure it is complaining that it cannot convert from object to integer? I would have expected it to fail converting from Object to String when assigning to the textbox but that could be fixed by txtText.Text = hsCat.Item(5).ToString() If it really is failing on converting to an integer on which line is the error occurring?
  4. How and where is frmMain declared? If possible could you attach the project (minus the .exes ) to see if that makes it easier for people to diagnose.
  5. If you wish to access a form's specific functionality you will need to cast the result of .FindForm to the correct form type. If the control could be placed on many different forms (probably) then this could get very messy. It may be easier if you gave more details about what you are trying to do and why you feel this is the best solution - there may be an alternate way of approaching the problem.
  6. Do you have any other controls / validators on the page? If any of them are failing the validation then postback will not occur.
  7. Have you tried just re-installing the 1.1 framework to see if the problem goes away? Failing that it may be worth re-installing the framework and then applying the latest patch from windows update. Not sure why they are recomending trying to extract the files manually as the framework should really be installed as a complete unit...
  8. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=90330 may be worth a read
  9. How about the one here?
  10. Have you looked at the article found here?
  11. In the line Dim upempFindValue(0) As object what kind of objects are you expecting to store in the array?
  12. When you say could you give more details please? Do you mean you cannot read the value of the parameter after you have executed the query or that it is failing to run the stored procedure itself? If possible could you post the code for the stored proc?
  13. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=39585 is probably worth a read to get an overview of the basics of file handling in .Net
  14. Clicky should give you the basic ideas of how to include a file and then retrieve it at runtime.
  15. Are you binding the control within the Page_Load event? If so this will rebind the drop down list every page refresh - effectively losing the selected item. What you need to do is only bind the control on the initial page load, not subsequent ones. The easiest way to do this is using the Page.IsPostBack property If Page.IsPostBack Then 'Stuff to do on postbacks, not the initial page load Else 'Stuff to do on the initial page load (databinding etc) End If 'Stuff to do everytime page is loaded
  16. Wouldn't this just make the code less readable in the long run? Also why would this necessarily result in smaller code?
  17. Any chance you could post the code you are using to access the c:\apps folder?
  18. Does the test.exe allow you to specify a command line parameter?
  19. Does the server exist (and turned on)? Are you attempting to connect with a valid username / password (or valid windows user if using windows authentication)? What authentication mode is the server using and are you attempting the correct one? Is there any firewall etc between you and the server that may be blocking the connection?
  20. For scenario 1 what values are you using for the tabstop property - this can affect the order in several ways (depending on duplicate values or using 0 as a value) For scenario 2 are you binding the events yourself or relying on VS.Net's auto event wire up functionality? Also are you renaming any of the controls in question? For scenario 3 are the values exactly the same? (No leading / trailing whitespace etc.) As a final idea is this happening on only one PC or on several? Have you tried a re-install of VS?
  21. IIRC PositionNormalColored tells directx how to handle the light hitting the surface (reflection etc) clicky is probably worth a read as it makes a lot more sense than my explanation.
  22. When you say how exactly is it failing? Are you getting errors or is it just not producing the correct output?
  23. try Dim myconnection As New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; datasource = " & Application.ExecutablePath & " \LibrarySystem.mdb")
  24. The MouseMove event does though, could you not use that instead?
  25. You could try using the .Trim method on rtbTalk.Text to remove whitespace charaters and then see if the string contains any valid data, if not then do not send anything.
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