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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Don't think the DateTimePicker supports this functionality but the MothCalendar control has properties to allow you to put a date in bold (think it is AddBoldDate or similar)
  2. Does the ASPNET account have access to the folder you are trying to save the images to?
  3. You could also use the Environment class Label1.Text = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALLUSERSPROFILE")
  4. IIRC within the configuration section of your web.config you can add a location element and set it's path attribute to either a sub folder or an aspx page. Within that you can use most of the standard web.config elements including authorization i.e. given a page with the catchy name of AnyOneCanAccessThisPage.aspx you should be able to use the following snippet.
  5. You might want to post the relevant code snippet - it's a lot easier to give advice when you know the context it will be applied in.
  6. Only had time for a quick look - strange how it seems to work one way but not the other... I could only see one declaration for the testParser class - it isn't declared anywhere else is it?
  7. Every time I've personally installed VS.Net on a PC without IIS installed it has given a warning that unless I install IIS (and offered instructions on what to do) I would be unable to create web applications; along with the option to skip the install of IIS and continue if I did not want IIS installed at this point - not sure why your install never prompted. If that was your only reason for the upgrade then, to be blunt, why did you bother? Surely the reason for an upgrade is to take advantage of newer features / functionality offered by the new platform, and realise that there will be a learning curve associated with the fact. To upgrade to a system that is vastly different to the existing one and expect everything to stay the same is shortsighted to say the least. If the upgrade was made without doing even a cursory check of the differences then expect to be shocked.
  8. Net.IPAddress.Parse("")
  9. If you convert the string to a number you would still have to do the calcultion yourself. There is nothing built in to .Net that will allow you to create a string containing an expression and get it evaluated.
  10. You cannot use WithEvents on a variable declared with a method body - only at the class level. As to why it now lets you create an instance of ds it's like I said before - you cannot execute code outside of a method body, the assignment you where trying to do needed to be in a method.
  11. You need to put the line ds = dlperfmon.spserver(company, server) inside a method - you cannot execute code like that at the class level.
  12. What are you using for the database server? Does the user you specify have permissions to the database?
  13. Do you have a source for that quote?
  14. You should really look at the System.Random class - far more useful.
  15. You also need to set the DisplayMember to the name of the column you want to display and then call .DataBind on the drop down list control.
  16. IIRC Dlls do not get to use a config file directly - name the config file after the exe that uses the dll - not the dll itself and things should work.
  17. Why not just open a tempory file on disk and as the bytes are received (use a smaller buffer for this) just write them to the file on disk.
  18. Are you running this on 2003 server? If so then this sounds like a Group Policy restriction that has been applied - you would need to speak to the administrator to see if this could be removed.
  19. IIRC the picture box control from VB6 is part of the VB6 runtime and not a seperate control.
  20. You will need to look at using a TypeConverter to handle the design time UI, http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=49388 is a nice tutorial on how this works.
  21. Check the solution near the bottom of this thread and see if that helps.
  22. For all font constructors
  23. I would remove your local _text variable and use the base class' version and then change the property to _ Public Overrides Property Text() As String Get Return MyBase.Text End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) MyBase.Text = Value Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Text The DefaultValue("") attribute is optional but the DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute is the key to the problem here.
  24. Some of the changes are because .Net is not just the next version of VB but a new runtime that is common to all .Net languages, some compromises in naming convention have had to be made regardless of previous language experience. Hence why text boxes are now TextBox rather than just Text. Listboxes on the other hand behave differently because .Items is now a collection and can be acted upon using standard array / collection methods (for...each etc) rather than needing special handling compared to an array or collection declared in code. These changes bring a consistency to the language / runtime that means you do not have to remeber each way of dealing with a similar but implemented differently object model / control every time a 3rd party or different intrinsic control is used. Class names are now fully qualified with a namespace - this aides the logical groupiong of related classes and narrows down the IDE's intellisense when you know what area you are looking in. They also allow duplicate classnames to exist without causing ambiguous naming conventions. Imports are just a shorthand way of refering to these fully qualified class names, nothing more; as to how you know which ones to use and which references to make - experience with .Net and use of the help files would be a start. Unless you were born with intrinsic knowledge of VB6 how did you know to use MSCOMM for serial port access, InStr to find a string inside another etc? Whenver you learn a new programming language or upgrade to a newer version there will be a learning curve, and admittedly going to VB.Net from earlier versions can be a steep one but the benefits are there when the move is made. Changes like requiring math functions to be preceded by the math class are a result of .Net being Object Orientated, functions are now grouped logically rather than just existing in one large global pool i.e. Math functions are Math., String functions are String., Enviroment details are Environment. etc. In regards to the comm stuff (even though it wasn't your main focus) it took a quick search on google to find http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/10/netserialcomm/
  25. Exactly the same - just declare a variable / property of type font and assign a font to the variable.
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