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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Any chance you could post the code you are using, makes it easier to diagnose problems when there is some code to look at.
  2. As far as I can tell the error seems to indicate you are trying to import two elements into a single cell, perhaps it thinks there is already a value in the B3 cell? could you try programatically clearing the b3 cell and then importing the data to see what happens? Would it be possible to import the xml and then apply the format?
  3. Does the NullReference indicate what is null? i.e. is it dtFound, it's Rows or the variable r?
  4. As a rule services (an anything they launch) do not have access to the logged in users' desktop (for starters there could be multiple users logged in - which desktop should the application display it's information on?). Typically you would create an application which would communicate with the service and run the application from the logged in user - this way the application can display things. It might work if you allow the service to interact with the desktop but I'm not sure if that would also mean any applications the service launches would also be able to interact with the desktop.
  5. Personally I can't see any other way realistically to update a service automatically without user intervention, the only issue you may need to worry about is if the launcher.exe needs updating :D
  6. I have a feeling this is down to windows security - it looks like the job.exe is using a technique which isn't going to work when run under a different desktop to the user making the changes. Without knowing how it is monitoring things (what techniques / Apis etc) then it will be very difficult to troubleshoot.
  7. It really depends on how they are monitoring things, if they are using the API (where it exists) then it should be fine, they may however be doing something that hooks activities at the user level and this will not work when the users are under different contexts. If you bring up the service properties there should be an option with a name something like 'allow service to interact with desktop' - try enabling that and see if it helps. If that does fix the problem then it probably indicates the job.exe is doing things in an unorthodox way...
  8. Without knowing how it works it is hard to guess what is possibly going wrong, for security reasons services and anything they launch run on a separate desktop to a logged in user - if the application is hooking something at the user session level then it is possibly a non-starter. If the application is monitoring access at a lower level (kernal mode for example) then it should work regardless.
  9. That does sound odd, if the job can spot the changes when they are performed as either a logged on Admin or User then it should also detect them using the instance spawned by CreateProcessAsUser... What is the JOB.exe actually doing and how is it detecting the file changes?
  10. Is the task being launched as Admin actually running and making the changes you are expecting? Does the system monitoring the file system detect changes made by the logged on user? If you log on as Admin and modify the same files are the changes detected then?
  11. Do you have any code written so far? The easiest way would be to use a StreamReader class to read the file by calling it's ReadLine method in a loop and assign it's return to the variable in question.
  12. ASP.Net is really the web development part of .Net and can be developed in any .Net language - effectively you can treat ASP.Net and VB.Net as being one and the same. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mysql+compare+mssql&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a
  13. http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/aspnet_vsasp.asp http://misfitgeek.com/blog/aspnet/php-versus-asp-net-ndash-windows-versus-linux-ndash-who-rsquo-s-the-fastest/ might be worth a read for starters
  14. What happens if you remove the line p.WaitForInputIdle() and try again?
  15. Seems odd that it works when in shared but not dedicated, I would honestly be shocked if it was a code problem as you aren't writing the cookie out in code the framework itself is. It might be worth seeing if the host can provide you with a list of things that are different at their end when moving from shared to dedicated as it could be a configuration at their end conflicting with something at your end...
  16. Is the path attribute set correctly in config file ("rc"), if you remove the path attribute does that fix anything? Alternatively you might try using a relative path (something like "~/rc") and see if that helps.
  17. I would try running the RootKitRevealer tool just to see if it finds anything suspicious - you wouldn't need to do anything like the level of detail Mark's article went into.
  18. Will have another look later but running a profiler shows that changing your CountOccurrences to Function CountOccurrences(ByVal p_strStringToCheck As String, ByVal p_strSubString As String, ByVal p_boolCaseSensitive As Boolean) As Integer Dim arrstrTemp() As String Dim strBase, strToFind As String If p_boolCaseSensitive Then strBase = p_strStringToCheck strToFind = p_strSubString Else strBase = p_strStringToCheck.ToLower strToFind = p_strSubString.ToLower End If arrstrTemp = strBase.Split(strToFind) CountOccurrences = arrstrTemp.GetUpperBound(0) End Function results in big improvemets in that one routine - if this is called many times in a loop that could be a big win.
  19. I should have more time to have a proper look at this later, at a glance though you seem to be leaving a lot of method parameters and return types as object e.g. CountOccurrences should really return an integer and the parameters should be specified as string, string and boolean - this can stop a lot of runtime data type checks and coercions. As a quick idea try adding Option Explicit to the top of the source file and fix any errors it generates due to not specifying data types - it may not make a big difference but if this code is being executed repeatedly in a loop it could be noticeable improvement.
  20. Have you tried deleting the cookies from your browser and trying again? It could just be the fact there are already existing cookies from the old site and they are preventing new cookies being saved for the new url.
  21. Out of interest what CD is it? Certain manufacturers have been known to install software that prevents you seeing the audio tracks. http://blogs.technet.com/markrussinovich/archive/2005/10/31/sony-rootkits-and-digital-rights-management-gone-too-far.aspx is a good article (as most of his are) about a real life example of such a thing. It might be worth running the RootKitRevealer mentioned in the article to see if anything turns up.
  22. I am assuming that CreateNamedPipe is just the Windows API being called - if so you should just use CloseHandle to close the pipe. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365166%28VS.85%29.aspx can be used to disconnect an already connect pipe though.
  23. Does it indicate which part of the expression is causing the error? Which of the properties included in the expression are integers or strings?
  24. The idea was to create and populate the dataset manually via a streamreader rather than going through the Jet engine as the Jet engine seems to be the source of the problem (and IIRC limits you to a 32bit platform which may be another issue). A better solution maybe to use something like http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/CsvReader.aspx and open a DataReader directly over the text file and use SqlBulkCopy with this DataReader and bypass Jet and the need for a DataTable entirely.
  25. If you are reading from a csv file could you not load the file into a dataset directly and then use the SQlBulkCopy class to load the data into Sql and ignore jet completely?
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