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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. Not that this helps your question a great deal but you might want to consider skipping DirectDraw altogether and just go straight to Direct3D. Although it might sound odd advice - using Direct3D you can 'simulate' 2D surfaces using textured quads (thing sprites) fairly easily.
  2. When you create the StreamReader you can use one of the overloaded constructors and specify the encoding to use. dim sr as New IO.StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(???)) where you would replace the ??? with either the code page or encoding name
  3. A GUID is just a unique identifier (actually short for Globally Unique IDentifier. These are a 128 bit random number usually expressed in the form "1e0efbec-79f1-4462-b390-a4f0ac64555b" or similar. Not the foggiest idea what you mean by as they have no specific functionality in regards to a filename.
  4. Any chance you could post the relevant code? It could be an issue with the threading (threads and GUI code can be a real pain to deal with).
  5. Had a quick look at it and it does seem pretty easy. Also quickly updated the project to remove the vb6 / COM dependancies just to make it that bit easier to use.Simplest.NET.zip
  6. Doing this yourself will be a lot of work - partly in terms of performance, partly trying to understand the internal structures of the file types. You may be better of installing the Indexing Service (part of the windows installtion on Win2K or better) and interacting with that from your application. Clicky has a quick overview of what is involved. The basic idea is that the indexing service takes care of all the indexing of the various file types, and you connect to it as a OleDb datasource.
  7. There is also DirectCast for use when casting beween sub classes. Search these forums and you will find a few discussions how each work and the benefits of each.
  8. Are you using the DataGrid with a valid data source? If not then you probably should. If you are then you need to remember to call DataBind on the control to get itself to render. e.g. Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=true") Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Products", conn) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds) DataGrid1.DataSource = ds DataGrid1.DataBind() End Sub
  9. Is this 3rd party dll already installed on the destination PC? If not then when you dd it to your deployment project you need to set the Register Property of the DLL to vsdrfCOMSelfReg.
  10. You would need to create a DataView object and bind the grid to that rather than the DataSet itself (search the forums for examples of using a DataView). You would need to set the DataView's RowFilter property from the TextBox's KeyPress event.
  11. Could you give a bit more detail about what you are tying to do? ASP.Net applications really run in response to client requests - they cannot drive the client.
  12. Not being dismissive of Java but .Net (well IL really) has some constructs that are now provided directly by Java. Delegates and the whole .Net event model for one and also things you probably take for granted like Properties and Enums. The hard work will be in taking these things and generating the correct Java byte-code to mimic the correct behaviours. However going the other way is a lot easier as I'm not aware of any features of the Java VM that could not be done in .Net.
  13. You could create the webservice files as part of the web application itself - there is no need to create a separate project if there are no immediate benefits from doing so.
  14. Try putting the following attribute before the variable / property in question
  15. http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/020404-1.aspx may be worth a glance. Map .pdf to be handled by IIS for your web application and then edit the web.config to mark them as forbidden files.
  16. If no data is found it will not result in an exception, if you want to check that there is no match you need to check the data that is being returned. Exceptions are only used to signal error (or exceptional) conditions.
  17. That shows you are putting data somewhere, it does not show that you are looking to see what you got back or even if anything was returned.
  18. You should check if the item in the session is nothing before attempting to use it in a query. If Not Session("SupplierID") Is Nothing Then SqlSelectCommand3.CommandText = _ "SELECT [Pri Key], ProNu, Supplier, ConfirmedDate, Confirmed " & _ "FROM POP_Parts " & _ "WHERE ProNu = '" & ProjectNo & "' AND Supplier = '" & Session("SupplierID") & "'" End If Also you are probably better off using either a stored procedure or a parameterised query rather than concatenating strings together (search these forums and you will find several threads on the hows and whys).
  19. If you create a web control project you should be able to use the System.Web.UI namespace. If not you may just need to set a reference to the system.web.dll and then it should work fine. Even without a separate project you should be able put a break point in the control's .cs file. When you build the website do any warnings or errors get generated?
  20. You do not appear to be checking if the password etc. was valid anywhere in the above code - or rather you do not appear to be checking if the Login21 object has any data in it.
  21. Not sure about the why the cmd.exe is not being hidden but you will have problems trying to get the output from the cmd.exe. The problem is that the Readxxx methods will hang until there is something to read and block the execution of your main application. You will need to launch cmd.exe in it's own thread and get it to raise an event back to the main app when it receives data.
  22. If you have both projects as part of the same solution then it will copy the .dll over to the correct folder as part of the build process.
  23. ~If you have both projects as part of the same solution then it will copy the .dll over to the correct folder as part of the build process.
  24. A button click has the event signature Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) i.e. it accepts 2 parameters. The first being an object and the second of type System.EventArgs. You are trying to assign a method with a different signature Sub Updatedb(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AccessDataSourceView) to this event handler - hence the error message. The buton click event has no idea what a AccessDataSourceView or a SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs is. In your code where are the SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs / AccessDataSourceView objects being created / updated?
  25. Easiest way is to use the Path class in System.IO Dim s as String s = System.IO.Path.GetFileName("c:\test\test.txt")
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