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Everything posted by PlausiblyDamp

  1. If you put a watch on the variable rather than the .ReadLine() call does it work? It looks like the watch windows is calling the ReadLine method (which makes sense as that is the only way it can retrieve the data)
  2. You are binding the event handler twice - once with the AddHandler statement and once using the Handles keyword.
  3. You will also need to add a reference to System.DirectoryServices.dll.
  4. Could you attach a copy of the text file that isn't reading correctly? Also if you take a text file from home to work can you read it okay? How about the other way round? Do you have any additional language / keyboard support installed on your home PC?
  5. http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/kkdz3641(en-us,vs.80).aspx
  6. Technically there is no reason why a non MS client couldn't use a DataSet. However Datasets do include several MS 'features' (anything in the msdata namespace) you may encounter errors with other clients. Datasets also can be on the heavy side and may cause issues with limited bandwidth. I personally would tend to create my own data types (classes, arrays etc) and, after use of the attributes from the System.Xml namespace, return these from the web methods - you still get a valid schema definition without the overheads.
  7. You may also want to investigate things like Debug.Assert and conditional compilation, there are definately better ways to handle debugging than relying on the resume statement.
  8. If you step through the application what is the line it crashes on? If possible could you post the relevant routine (if not too big).
  9. You cannor redirect a client browser to a physical file path on the server like that. The c:\somefolder would need to be accessible as a website and given a proper url. It might help if you gave a bit more detail about what you are trying to do and why this way.
  10. It might help if you gave a bit more detail about the actual error generated, what your code is trying to do and which operations are being blocked etc.
  11. Just re-ran it here and used both the bla.txt contained in the zip and also got the code to generate a new file. See attached screen shot to see all variables loaded correctly. I really can't see why it should fail on your pc as I have tried it on both 1.0 and 1.1 frameworks. Are you doing anything with the text file before loading it?
  12. It might be worth following the steps in this post to enable debugging of directx and see if any further information is generated.
  13. Are you sure - works just fine here. Have attached a copy I've tested here and there are no problems.SaveEvent.zip
  14. ASP.Net implements connection pooling for any database whose provider supports it. Under normal running conditions this is a pretty good trick to speed things up as it avoids unnecessary connections being created / destroyed. Are you looking at preventing the connection remaining open during testing or in production?
  15. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/search.php?searchid=180862
  16. In your load method change StreamReader strReader = new StreamReader(fs); to StreamReader strReader = new StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.BigEndianUnicode); and it should work.
  17. I would upload the project if I was you - nothing in the posted sample should cause that kind of behaviour.
  18. http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/doc/TCPUDP/BroadcastChatClient.aspx
  19. If you need to send binary data then don't convert it to a text based format both the .Read and .Write methods of a stream accept binary data.
  20. Not all ANSI / UNICODE characters have an equivalent ASCII character. ASCII only defines the code up to 127 so anything beyond that isn't going to work anyway.
  21. The remaining class definitions are generated automatically at compile time so no extra files are generated by the designer.
  22. You could just return them from a web method. Not sure why you would need to return constants from the web service though - if you are trying to encapsulate your data access behind a web service there should be no need for the client to know connection strings etc. It might help if you gave a bit more detail about how the system is architectured.
  23. You could declare img outside of the AddPicture method and then the variable would be accessible from the SavePicture method, you would need to check for null before using it though.
  24. It really depends on what the method is used for and if you need to change it dynamically at run time or not. Without knowing more about the architecture it is difficult to make a decision. Also under 1.0 / 1.1 delegates are slower then virtual functions although this is being addressed in 2.0
  25. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=90500
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