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Everything posted by be58d2003

  1. Yes it can be done, I haven't done it... I do have code for this in one of my books. When I get a chance, I will try it and then post the code for you.
  2. Well, I myself have been looking at using a modem for what I want... would it require the software to detect each individual modem (as in drivers) or is there a standard for such things as answering / dialing?
  3. My pleasure.
  4. Solution to your problem (I am using VB .NET 2003)... Add your tab control to your form, view the tab control properties... set the SizeMode to Fixed and then adjust the ItemSize accordingly to what suits your needs, this however adjust all tabs to the same size. This is what you are looking for?tabsol.bmp
  5. Pardon me, I offered a suggestion... But, if you notice... the website... it indicates that it includes help files, command line options, and keyboard controls... And at that, the software still (I am sure) communicates through the serial port.
  6. Converted... Haven't had the chance to try it, but I will within a day or two... Thanks Arch... ;)
  7. Could you post an example? One of the books I have for VB .NET gives code for using an API... This is the code (one line only, to many lines to deal with right now); Private Declare Function ExitWindowsEx Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long
  8. Sorry, haven't had that problem... :(
  9. Hmmm.... I am still relatively new to the programming scene, but I know what a Dataset is... but what is a business object? Isn't that like a fax machine or a copier or something? :D Seriously what is a business object? :confused:
  10. API's my friend :(
  11. That is what the controls on the monitor are for. If you mean within the program, maybe create a control that changes the shade of the form (background = grey... change the shade of the grey using the control), etc. with an up/down button or something to that effect.
  12. Don't give up... take the vb .net examples, and I know there are a couple of sites (just can't remember them, but there are links... somewhere in these forums) that translate vb to c# and vice versa.
  13. I think he is actually asking for some help in reference to the code aspect of it. :confused:
  14. Maybe an overall rating of how a particular topic, helped out one in need of answers. Allow those, searching for a specific answer... rate the entire thread (not just that of a specific individual) because one might provide a poor answer, the next might provide a decent answer, while the last might provide the ultimate solution. Under the rating column, all I ever see is... a blank space or a paper clip (attachment), no star ratings.
  15. Comment taken well, I forgot about the ability to change the color of the transparency key... So I hadn't tried it. Maybe I will look into that, next time I need it. ;)
  16. Interesting... I tried setting opacity to 0% and nothing showed up!? In response to your question, I am thinking the only option is for you to create a transparent background image (.gif) in a paint program (e.g. Paint Shop Pro) and set the background image on your form as such, and then add your controls.
  17. Guessing you are referring to the mouse pointer... Don't know if there is away because even using the PrintScreen on the Windows desktop doesn't capture the pointer.
  18. This may or may not help... The book indicates that this (the code) is a Console Application.
  19. Gimme some time and I'll read the book a little more to see if I missed something.
  20. Nothing can ever be easy huh? :( :D
  21. That didn't work, I guess I should have been a little more specific... I am writing it in VB. But I did get it to work by changing a couple of little things. Here it is. Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged If Len(TextBox1.Text) = X Then TextBox2.Focus() End If End Sub Of course X is the user specified length. Thanks for the help! :-\
  22. In a program I am going to start working on, some of the fields (e.g. telephone #) will always be default (for U.S.)... meaning a 3 digit area code, 3 digit prefix and a 4 digit suffix (e.g. 925-555-1212). What I want do is, once the the user has type in 3rd or 4th digit in the textbox fields, I want it to automatically tab to the next textbox... Such as, once the user has entered three digits into the area code (textbox), I want to automatically have it tab over to the textbox in which the 3 digit prefix will be entered. Sorry, if this isn't very clear. :o
  23. What method(s) are available to use a webcam in a VB. NET program. I need to be able to use the webcam to take snapshots of clients of a board & care facility, save the snapshot and then attach it to their individual profiles.
  24. Are you writing the setup code (custom setup.exe) or is this the one included with VB .NET? I don't think you can manually add code to the setup.exe, you would have to create your own setup program. VB .NET Programmers Cookbook by Microsoft Press.
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