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Everything posted by hitechoutlaw

  1. i'm not for cheating in games so i wont do that. Thanks
  2. ok heres my site http://hitechoutlaw.cjb.net its the first site i've ever kept longer than a month, so dont laugh at it. :) wut ya'll think?
  3. i think it looks great. while we're on the subject, i wana see what ya'll think or my site. i'm not done with the flash header but i'll upload it tonight and post a link to it. Keep up the good work :)
  4. Visual Basic 6 (you know the verson before .NET)
  5. If your talking about the .NET Framework being in Windows Update. I know for a fact that it is on there for 2000 and might be for 98 and ME. -Hitech
  6. Thanks Orbity. I'll be sure to do that wyrd, Thanks -Hitech
  7. ok kool. Does it come with a compiler or will Dev-C++ work? Thanks -Hitech
  8. Orbity, is that book for the complete c++ n00b? -Hitech
  9. ok i'll keep that in mind while i'm looking for a book. Thanks -Hitech
  10. the only other language i've used is vb and not that much. i would like a book that covered the visual studio stuff with the vc++
  11. does any one know of a really good one for someone that has never used any kind of c language before. i was looking on http://www.bn.com (cuz thats a store near where i live) and thought this might be a good one http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2VK7SI725N&isbn=0764508687&itm=2 should i get that one or is there a better one? Thanks -Hitech
  12. if u havent already, take a look at this post http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71540
  13. ok i sat here and thought about it and ur right it does work. now i have another question: i have "uharc.exe" hardcoded into the program, how, if its possible, do i get it to use that one and not the one out of the program?
  14. if u just use the process class and start it with out the parameters it does nothing but start, say "nothing to do", and ends. if u can add parameters to the Process.Start, then will u tell me how?
  15. thats exactly what i want to do...but how do i get it to run the command though the vb code?
  16. ok heres tocSock if any one wants it. i wrote some batch files that copies it to system folder and then registers it with windows. if someone could play around with it and help me out it would be greatly appreciated. i've played around with it for awhile and cant seem to get it to do any thing right, i cant even get it to login. -Hitech tocsock.zip
  17. i can make the program start but to make archives and extract them u have to do DOS commands. i.e.: one way to make an archive called files.uha and inslude all files in the directory: uharc a -ed+ -d2 -mx -mm+ -r+ files.uha *.*
  18. i have this program call UHARC, maybe ya'll have heard of it?, newayz it's a compression tool (very good one at that) and its DOS only. i want to be able to run DOS commands from my program. i want to make a GUI for it and befor i start, i need to know if u can run DOS commands with VB and if so, how? thanks -Hitech EDIT: as of right now, there is no .dll version for ppl that want to make a GUI
  19. u could try making ur own client and getting the time that way. i'm not sure if it would work in vb.net but in vb6 there is an .ocx called tocsock that is for doing aim stuff. there is no offical web-site that i know of, if u want it just search google or i'll send it to u.
  20. yeah i get that too and it can be annoying hen u are trying to do something.
  21. oic that makes sense, thanks man
  22. ok i just logged out and look there is no check box.. i was thinking that could be so if u are using a public computer and u forget to logout then it will log u out with out u having to change ur settings.
  23. ok heres what i got and its in form1 with the combobox: Class fill Public Shared Sub fillUSCAN() ComboBox2.Items.Add("United States(Dollar)") ComboBox2.Items.Add("Canada(Dollar)") End Sub End Class it tells me 'Referance to a non shared member requires an object referance.'
  24. well i have the class in a differnt file and it doesnt know the combo box is there. iif i have to i'll put it in the main form.
  25. well theres a problem to that. because its in a class it dosnt see the combobox on form1. but thanks for ir help
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