i think it looks great.
while we're on the subject, i wana see what ya'll think or my site. i'm not done with the flash header but i'll upload it tonight and post a link to it.
Keep up the good work :)
does any one know of a really good one for someone that has never used any kind of c language before.
i was looking on http://www.bn.com (cuz thats a store near where i live) and thought this might be a good one http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=2VK7SI725N&isbn=0764508687&itm=2
should i get that one or is there a better one?
ok i sat here and thought about it and ur right it does work. now i have another question:
i have "uharc.exe" hardcoded into the program, how, if its possible, do i get it to use that one and not the one out of the program?
if u just use the process class and start it with out the parameters it does nothing but start, say "nothing to do", and ends. if u can add parameters to the Process.Start, then will u tell me how?