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About maen

  • Birthday 06/19/1979

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  1. maen

    Alpha mesh

    Hello every one, I am trying to make a loaded mesh transparent , in VB.net and DirectX9 this is the code in the InitializieDevice , Is there anything thing wrong ? ' Turn on the zbuffer dev.RenderState.ZBufferEnable = True ' Turn on ambient lighting dev.RenderState.Ambient = System.Drawing.Color.White dev.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = True dev.RenderState.AlphaSourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha dev.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.DestinationAlpha ' Load the mesh from the specified file mesh = mesh.FromFile("box.x", MeshFlags.SystemMemory, device, materials)
  2. How can I do it , and if so does it show a small mesh inside the orginal mesh which I want to make transparent ? Thank you ;)
  3. Thanks in advance for any help any one give me My problem is that I have a number of mesh objects I want to view in my program , and I want to make some of them transparent , I tried alot, any body can tell me how to make part of a mesh or the whole mesh transparent , so I can view through it another mesh inside the previouse one, Thank you for your help
  4. Ques, About DX8.1 With VB.Net A very good day to all of you .. I want to make a program that can view 3D objects , with zoom , rotation , and rendering features, it is a program that deal with the anatomy of the body , I had made a 3ds object using 3DSMax , and convert it to .x type , I am using VB .net , with DirectX 8.1 , but I don't have the DirectX 8.1 SDK and the Help Functions of it , I could load the mesh and do some transformations by applying Matrices, but my problem is that my object is all black even I had applied a texture to it , and light object I created , but it still totally black , I tried to apply a texture in 3DSMax and load it in my code but it didn't work . here is my code , I would be greatful to anyone give me help ( Since I am not an expert in DirectX ) Thank you very much . The Code : g_D3D = g_DX.Direct3DCreate '============================================================================= Dim Mode As DxVBLibA.D3DDISPLAYMODE Const D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT As DxVBLibA.CONST_D3DCONST = 0 g_D3D.GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, Mode) '============================================================================= Dim d3dpp As DxVBLibA.D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS Const D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC As DxVBLibA.CONST_D3DSWAPEFFECT = 4 d3dpp.Windowed = 1 d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = Mode.Format '============================================================================= Const D3DDEVTYPE_HAL As DxVBLibA.CONST_D3DDEVTYPE = 1 Const D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING As DxVBLibA.CONST_D3DCREATEFLAGS = 32 g_D3DDevice = g_D3D.CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, Me.Handle.ToInt32(), D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING, d3dpp) '============================================================================= g_Mesh = g_D3DX.LoadMeshFromX("D:\box.x", D3DXMESH_MANAGED, g_D3DDevice, D3DXB, MtrlBuffer, g_NumMaterials) ReDim g_MeshMaterials(g_NumMaterials) ReDim g_MeshTextures(g_NumMaterials) For i = 0 To g_NumMaterials - 1 g_D3DX.BufferGetMaterial(MtrlBuffer, i, g_MeshMaterials(i)) g_MeshMaterials(i).ambient = g_MeshMaterials(i).diffuse g_MeshTextures(i) = g_D3DX.CreateTextureFromFile(g_D3DDevice, "D:\tiger.bmp") Next i MtrlBuffer = Nothing ' Use the same color settings for all emitted light color. With c .r = 1.0# : .g = 1.0# : .b = 1.0# .a = 1.0# ' The alpha component isn't used for lights. End With With vPos .x = -1 : .y = -1 : .z = -1 End With With LightDesc .Type = 3 .Position = vPos .Direction.x = 0.1 .Direction.y = 0.1 .Direction.z = 0 .ambient = c : .diffuse = c : .specular = c .Attenuation0 = 1.0# ' Don't attenuate the light .Range = 200 End With End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() MyBase.Finalize() g_D3D = Nothing g_D3DDevice = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim math As Math Dim mat As DxVBLibA.D3DMATRIX Dim n As Double For n = -1.5 To 1.5 Step 0.1 '6.28 Step 3.14 / 90 g_D3DDevice.Clear(0, System.IntPtr.Zero, DxVBLibA.CONST_D3DCLEARFLAGS.D3DCLEAR_TARGET, &HFF&, 1.0#, 0) vPos.x = 10 * math.Cos(n) vPos.y = 10 * math.Sin(n) LightDesc.Position = vPos mat.m11 = 1 : mat.m12 = 0 : mat.m13 = 0 : mat.m14 = 0 mat.m21 = 0 : mat.m22 = 1 : mat.m23 = 0 : mat.m24 = 0 mat.m31 = n : mat.m32 = 0 : mat.m33 = 0 : mat.m34 = 0 mat.m41 = 0 : mat.m42 = 0 : mat.m43 = 0 : mat.m44 = 14 g_D3DDevice.SetTransform(2, mat) g_D3DDevice.BeginScene() For i = 0 To g_NumMaterials - 1 g_D3DDevice.SetMaterial(g_MeshMaterials(i)) g_D3DDevice.SetTexture(0, g_MeshTextures(i)) g_D3DDevice.SetTextureStageState(0, 1, 1) g_D3DDevice.SetLight(0, LightDesc) g_D3DDevice.SetRenderState(139, &H202020) g_Mesh.DrawSubset(i) Next g_D3DDevice.EndScene() g_D3DDevice.Present(System.IntPtr.Zero, System.IntPtr.Zero, 0, System.IntPtr.Zero) Next n End Sub
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